Tantric What?
1. I love live music. Love it.

Especially in a small venue, where you can literally feel the vibrations come up through the floor. Where you can see the sweat dripping off the band members’ faces. Where you’re partially deaf for at least the next 3 days.
This morning, for instance…
Me: Can you turn on the news? I want to hear the weather before I leave.
Hubs: *nothing*
Me: Babe?
Hubs: *nothing*
Me: BABE??!
Hubs: What?
Me: Can you please turn on the news?
Hubs: Sure, just let me find the remote.
Me: What?
I think I just got a preview of what we’ll be like in our 60’s.
2. Camera phones are great, but I missed my Nikon. For obvious quality reasons.

(The above band – Sintonik – absolutely rocked, by the way. I realize I look like the antithesis of their typical fan, but I can rock with the best of ’em. And trust me, they are one of the best.)
3. Electric violins have got to be the coolest. instruments. ever.

4. Staying out until 1:30 is no fun when you have to get up at 6:00 for work. What happened to the days when that was easy??
I will have another post sometime tonight. Something you might actually care about.
But if you care about kick ass rockin’ music, this post is for you.