Pop! Goes My Dignity
Today I did something I’ve never done before.
I was thoroughly impressed with myself.
Wanna know what I did?
I sewed a button.
That’s right – I took my own two little hands and this cute little sewing kit and sewed a button back on my shorts.

I have NO IDEA why the button popped off while I was wearing the shorts.



I know why the button popped. But I don’t want to talk about it.
The point is that I was able to successfully reattach the offending button.

As a self-admitted domestiphobic person, I have to consider today a whopping success.
(And I’ll pretend I didn’t first have to Google “how to sew a button.”)
Maybe I’ll celebrate with some pie.
Remind me to write a story about my domestic foray with the sewing machine and my deluded idea to make and wear, yes, proudly wear a maternity dress…
Now that I would like to read!!
hahahahaha! Been there, done that!
Glad I’m not the only one. ;)
[…] that it would be better for me to go pick a fabric and sew my own damn curtains even though the most I’ve ever sewed is a button but then I realized that in order to get fabric I’d either have to go out and shop, or […]
[…] There’s no one to look at me with judgmental eyes — eyes that say, “Are you sure you want to make that chocolate peanut butter cream pie and eat the entire thing yourself for dinner?” while glancing down at my waistline to see how close I am to busting a button, which has been known to happen. […]
[…] fact, that very pair of shorts of which I’d so stubbornly busted a button so many years ago were as snug that day as they were at the end of last summer, and okay. That […]
[…] I assure you. I can tackle a pot roast and clean the oven and sometimes even manage to sew a real button with access to Google and a tall glass of wine, but those other […]