Here Comes the Sun (Doo Do Doo Dooo)
So far, the rainy season in Costa Rica has been, uh, rainy. Really rainy.
In fact, with a recent line of tropical storms stopping by to dump inches of the stuff on us every day for the past week, the locals are calling this one of the worst rainy seasons they’ve seen in while.
And while Costa Rica’s storms are beautiful in their own way, the constant, monotonous downpour has left everyone in the office feeling a little waterlogged.
So it was a truly joyous occasion when an unexpected visitor showed up to join us on our walk to work this morning.

Sun! Glorious sun!

It broke through the low ceiling of clouds and a chorus of angels began singing.
Okay, actually it was us singing–and badly–but still.
We shamelessly belted out our anthems of appreciation:
Blue skiiiies smiling at meeee.
I’m walking on sunshiiiiine!
Here comes the sun, doo do doo dooo.
As we walked, we turned up our faces, spread our arms wide and basked in it like little flowers.

Even our shadows came out to see what all the commotion was about.

They were pretty happy, too.
And sweat ‘staches be damned, the hot rays felt oh so nice on our pasty skin.
We were, quite literally, walking on sunshine.

And yes, Katrina and the Waves, it did feel good.
Wow! These are some very beautiful photos. The road you’re on seems to be a really nice walk! Enjoy!!!
Is the road so long that Katie has to carry her own “dirt” with her to the next banyo, yo?
It dawned on me that I’m going to have to quit complimenting you and Katie for your writing and photog skills because I’m running out of words to say “thank you for making my day/making me spit cranberry juice on my monitor”.
For the record, that is my LUNCH! :) If I have to make “dirt,” I’d just leave it on the road like the horses.
Your monitor was totally asking for it.
I love these photos! Also just becoming familiar with this site, but I really like the concept.
Thanks, Catherine! You’re welcome to come on back anytime. :)