Snow Day
I was actually going to go apply for jobs today. I was.
Not the you-better-make-sure-your-resume-is-perfectly-polished-and-printed-on-special-paper-so-it-stands-out-from-the-masses type of job, but the fill-out-a-generic-application-and-if-you-remember-how-to-spell-your-name-and-show-up-to-the-interview-wearing-something-other-than-jeans-you’re-hired type of job.
The plan was to just drive around until I saw something… inspiring.
But then I looked out the window and I saw this:

So I decided to sit in front of the fire and eat leftover quiche instead.
HEY. Do not judge me. Motivation is hard to come by these days, and until I buy myself a set of scrubs and refuse to change out of them even when I leave the house and forget how to put on makeup and lose my hairbrush and stop wearing bras, I’m not worried.
Looks like Michigan! Don’t you just love it??!!
I am NOT cut out for this. When are we going to Florida?? :)
I don’t think anyone would complain if you stopped wear bras; just in general. ;)
Dude, I totally know how you feel. When I was applying to grad schools, I got offered a fellowship at Notre Dame. Then, on the second night of interviews, a blizzard hit. That’s what I realized that if I went there, my wimpy Socal ass would likely stay home through the winter and never actually make it to class.
So, I chose San Diego instead.
Oh, yes. I have to pass up fellowship opportunities at top schools at least once every couple months. TOTALLY the same. ;)
That said, good choice on San Diego (though the Notre Dame campus IS gorgeous). I’ve only been to San Diego once for a GIS conference, but it was gorgeous! I have some extended family there too. If I could afford it, that would definitely be one of my top choices.
That WAS’T the point of the comment. But, fine, thanks. I’ll take it as a compliment. Now where’s that eyeroll emoticon? ;-)
I LOVE snowdays. We had one here in Boston today. I’m right now feeling a little bit guilty about doing NOTHING all day while pretending to work from home.
Don’t feel guilty! Snow days are meant for indulgence. Of course, when you’re jobless (like me), every day could possibly turn into a snow day, which is not a good thing. :)