All You Ever Wanted to Know. And Then Some.
I was debating on either sharing a quiche recipe with you today or ranting some more about my job, when the intriguing International Woman of Mystery tagged me in my first ever game of, well… Internet Tag, I guess.
Can you believe I’ve been a blog tag virgin for almost an entire year?
So the deal is I had to answer a bunch of random questions. Nineteen, to be exact, which makes me think that someone somewhere along the line decided to delete one of the questions.
Naughty, naughty.
Read carefully – you might just learn something about me that you never knew.
Here we go:
1. If you have pets, do you see them as merely animals or are the members of your family?
Family. Sounds crazy, but my dogs understand my moods and act accordingly.
But kids? Kids just don’t get me.

2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
Small scale: My hard drive, which I still haven’t had the heart to throw out, will magically restore itself and give me my life back.
Large scale: I’m an internationally famous world traveler, eater, and t.v. personality who has all her shit together and makes everyone around her happy all the time.
3. What is the one thing most hated by you?
I don’t really hate much. I guess it disturbs me when people misunderstand me or overreact or don’t give me the benefit of the doubt or tell me to “chill.”
I am chill. WTF is your problem?

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
I’d buy you a monkey. (Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?)
Oh wait, that’s a million.
You said a billion. That’s a lot of money. I’d travel. Buy art. Pay off my loans. Buy each of my parents and in-laws fabulous vacations (but not to the same place at the same time – that would be cruel). Charities. Investments.
Pour millions into researching ways money can, in fact, buy happiness.
5. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
Happy people. And puppies.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Although I’m sure this question is referring to parents unconditionally loving their babies or a husband still loving his wife after 30 years of marriage even though she doesn’t remember him because she has Alzheimer’s; however, those situations aside, IF you love someone who doesn’t love you back, that could truly feel like a curse. So I’m gonna have to go with being loved, even though that sounds like the more selfish answer.
I guess that’s because it is.
7. What is your bedtime routine?
Remove contacts, wash face, floss, brush teeth, put on chap stick, get naked, sometimes read or watch t.v. while Justin rubs my back, go to sleep. There are other factors that vary, obviously, but those items are the most… routiney.
8. If you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your partner?
At an Irish pub, introduced by his sister. He wiped off my boob when I spilled some of my drink on my shirt.
Instant connection. ;)
9. If you could watch a creative person in the act of the creative process, who would it be?
Oh, wow… Way too many choices on this one. Kurt Vonnegut writing a book. Kellie MacQuoid creating a painting. Avett Brothers composing a song. Anthony Bourdain doing anything he does. (Well, not quite anything.)

10. What kinds of books do you read?
Anything I find that looks interesting. Fiction and Nonfiction. I realize that’s vague, but there ya go. My favorite book is still Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen. I don’t know why.
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
I don’t.
I don’t know what I’m doing this afternoon, let alone in 10 years.
12. What’s your fear?
See blog title. And this post.
And the sound biscuit tubes make when they pop open because you never know when they’re gonna pop.
And Sponge Bob Square Pants. Has there ever been a scarier creature in all of cartoon world?

13. Would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to visit outer space?
Gut reaction? HELL to the YES. But I think I would need a more concise definition of “junk food” before I could 100% commit.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married, but poor?
Well that’s kind of an unfair question, considering I am married, which means I have to say “married but poor” so my husband doesn’t think I’m telling him I want a divorce. BUT, if I were answering this question 5 years ago, I probably would’ve said “single and rich” due to the lack of qualifiers in the original question.
Allow me to explain: Since financial problems are one of the biggest issues with unhappily married couples these days, and the question doesn’t specify that the marriage would be happy, I can only presume that if I answered “married but poor,” not only would I be completely miserable with my spouse who’s probably developed drug or alcohol abuse problems to emotionally deal with the fact that he squandered the last of our savings at the race tracks trying to fund his next big idea, but I also wouldn’t be able to buy things like flat screen t.v.s and big houses and nice cars that would at least allow me to pretend that I’m happy.
Oh, and he’d probably hit me. Because I tend to mouth off.
So obviously the better choice here would be “single and rich.” I could live comfortably, pay friends to like me, give money to charities to make me feel good about myself, and have a hot, young cabana boy named Alejandro to take care of my “other” needs… like back rubs and foot massages.
And let’s be honest here: single does not imply loveless or sexless. But sometimes, marriage does.
Think about it.
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
Start wondering whether it’s actually time to get up and debating whether opening my eyes to check the clock is worth the risk of not being able to fall back asleep.
16. If you could change one thing about your spouse/partner what would it be?
I wouldn’t. I’d change me.
17. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be?
I already did that, when I got married. It wasn’t a fun process.
Besides, if nothing else, I’m always Katie.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done?
No matter how horrible? Seriously? Of course not.
Like… If Justin tied me to a chair and force-fed me French toast and simultaneously made me watch Sponge Bob while opening refrigerated biscuit tubes, I could never forgive that.
Or forget.
19. If you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be?
I seriously think only eating one thing for 6 months would be torturous. I need variety in my life.
But I’d probably have to say Reese’s Peanut Butter EGGS. They’re peanut butter cups, but in an egg shape. And everything’s better in an egg shape.
Which means I’d have to start stocking up like… right now.

Oh, and all the calories wouldn’t matter because my body would probably try to physically expel that crap even faster than I could take it in.

So weight loss would be like a bonus.
I know this is a bum thing to do, but I’m not going to tag anyone specifically. If you follow my blog, have a blog of your own, and want to answer these questions, I’d love to see your answers!
I <3 Reese's eggs too! They are awesome. Reese's tried to do it for other seasons too but the Christmas trees just don't taste as good as the eggs ;)
SO true! The hearts are a close 2nd, but they’re hearts. Ew.
Justin rubs your back???
Yep. Sometimes for hours if I can manage to hold still long enough…
As frequently as I can!
Haha! There are so many lines of this I love. I especially like your answer to #15. And Biscuit Tubes! Hahaha
The biscuit tubes are a recurring theme for me. I hate the tubes, and the “biscuits” themselves are probably full of horrible things, but oh… the wonderful things you can do with them. Pastry pockets, doughy crusts, instant dumplings… mmmmm.
Hatchet was an awesome book. When I was a kid, I don’t know how many times I read that. I’d like to think if something like that ever happened to me, I’d be awesome like Brian was (I’m slightly impressed with myself that I remembered the protagonist’s name from memory).
In reality, I wouldn’t be awesome like him. I’d be dead.
I read it countless times as a kid, and it’s still sitting on my bookshelf today for those times I’m feeling particularly nostalgic. It’s a quick read. I realize this will reveal my true geekness to the world, but I had the biggest crush on Brian. A fictional character. Yep.
Almost as crazy as thinking I could be awesome like him. ;)
very cool post If you can find the entire collection of Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy one of the best “fun to read” collections ever . ” IF you love someone who doesn’t love you back, that could truly feel like a curse.” soo true and then you get dumped ….
Believe it or not, I have all of my dad’s old copies of the Hitchhiker’s Guide – yellowed pages, circa 1979. I read them all ages ago, but I really only remember the first one as being the best. Thanks for reminding me I need to go back and read them again! (Oh, and I just read online that there are 5 books – I only have 4! Guess I have some shopping to do…)
love love love your dogs!!!
Thank you!! So do I. Even though sometimes I hate them. But mostly I love them. :)
Aww crap. You know I’m a sucker for this type of thing. Guess I know what I may be writing tomorrow morning while sitting at Panera. Just need to find a good way to tie it into my theme.
I had completely forgotten about the spill/boob touch from day one. Good thing you remember things like that.
And seriously. You have got to stop making me have to forcefully hold in my laughter when I read answers like #18 at work.
See, I didn’t tag anyone because I didn’t want you to feel obligated! And I especially didn’t want you to write a post about these questions before giving us an update on the dating challenge! ;)
Posted answers on FB.
Love your answers. Esp. number 14!!!
Thanks again for tagging me!
1. If you have pets, do you see them as merely animals or are the members of your family? They would have to be members of the family because like everyone else in my household, they become my responsibility only.
2. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be? For my girls to grow into fearless, strong, independent women, who don’t give me grandkids till I am much much older. This is a great way of saying I don’t want my kids living with me forever.
3. What is the one thing most hated by you? Ignorance….Especially people that think they deserve something without putting in the work to earn it or keep it.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars? Pee my pants!!!LOL! Help as many people as I can!
5. What helps to pull you out of a bad mood? Listening to Weird Al Yankovich CDs in my car by myself. Not kidding, try it, you will be surprised how hard it is to stay mad after listening to him for half an hour!
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone? That’s a hard one, I’d have to say being loved.
7. What is your bedtime routine? Can’t start with putting on PJs cause that happens at like 4pm or even earlier some days. Brushing teeth, setting alarm, and reading till all hours.
8. If you are currently in a relationship, how did you meet your partner? When I was drunk and horny! LOL!
9. If you could watch a creative person in the act of the creative process, who would it be? Early cartographers!
10. What kinds of books do you read? Mainly mysteries, I grew up on Nancy Drew and Sherlock Holmes. I pretty much read anything I can get my hands on, and yes I still read real books, I like the smell and feel of them! No Kindle for me!
12. What’s your fear? I will lose myself!
13. Would you give up all junk food for the rest of your life for the opportunity to visit outer space? Nope, have no interest in going into outer space! Besides I like my cheesy puffs too much!
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married, but poor? If I didn’t know any better I would have to say single and rich, but as I am married and have kids I guess I am obligated to say married and poor. But I don’t ever want to be poor….This question sucketh!
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Try to go back to sleep!
16. If you could change one thing about your spouse/partner what would it be? His first reaction most of the time is that I am wrong, but 90+% of the time I am right.
17. If you could pick a new name for yourself, what would it be? I actually like my name, but I used to tell guys it was Gertrude Popadopolous a lot when I was single.
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that special someone has done? It would depend on how horrible, but unfortunately I am very capable of forgiving then forgetting the someone special ever existed.
19. If you could only eat one thing for the next 6 months, what would it be? Chocolate whatever!
hahaha you crack me up! I love your answer to #9. And I have to agree with #10 – I’ve officially given up on the Kindle. And you know what’s crazy??! When my sister first moved here, we went out with Kasey and my sister said we had to use fake names. Guess what I picked? Gertrude! They told me I was crazy and I couldn’t use that name, so I told them they could suck it and call me Gertie. ;)
Haha, that elephant statue is classic. Great answers to these questions! I really enjoyed this post. I also have the debate (every friggin morning) if I should check what time it is or just keep sleeping. It really sucks when you open your eyes to check the time, and find you only have like 10 minutes left and can’t fall back asleep! You just wasted 10 minutes of inspired sleep! :)
Thanks! And even though I don’t have to deal with an actual alarm anymore (I know, I’m lucky), I knowexactly what you mean.
[…] in March, Katie of Domestiphobia filled out a little questionnaire. I’ve always been a sucker for these sorts of things so I obviously earmarked that particular […]
[…] back up to Roxanne’s sunroom, lock myself in with some barbed wire fencing and a case of Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs, and refuse to leave until someone else finishes dealing with […]