Where Corned Beef, Facebook, Lingonberries and Wandering Desks Come to Play
I have several things to address here.
First and foremost, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I love this holiday, because even though I’m not Irish, it gives me an excuse to wear green underwear (green is my favorite color – not that you really need an excuse to wear green underwear) and drink dark beer (also my favorite color) and eat corned beef and cabbage like it’s my business when any other time of year people just look at me weird for actually loving corned beef and cabbage and wanting to eat it by the plateful until my skin forms a lovely crinkled pie crust of an edge around the waistline of my pants and why are you judging me?!

Second, I finally caved to Mark Zuckerberg, who’s undoubtedly trying to take over the world, and created a Facebook Page for Domestiphobia. I also learned that until I cave again and either pay to self-host this site or pay WordPress for an upgrade to edit the code for this site, I can’t just add a simple “Like” button to the sidebar that you can click to like Domestiphobia on Facebook.
So, in the interim, feel free to click the little Facebook doohicky on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the Domestiphobia Facebook page where you can click “Like” if you want to stay connected to me via Facebook. Of course, you don’t have to do this, but I’m not sure why you wouldn’t want to do this.

The tentative plan is to add photos to that page that you might not see here on Domestiphobia.net (not because I don’t want to share, but because I might never actually get around to writing entire posts about them) and also allow each of you to post photos, questions, links – whatever you want – and maybe generate some discussion. Who knows?
If nothing else, it’s a great way for all of us to cyber stalk each other.
Third, I’m really excited because in a couple of weeks, Alaina and I will be day-trippin’ it to IKEA in Charlotte with the intention of outfitting our homes with the latest in ready-to-assemble Swedish decor. She thinks we’re going so I can buy some things for the office and she can find some items for her nursery, but we’re really going so I can indulge in delectable Swedish meatballs with lingonberry sauce served cafeteria-style.
I just hope the Tracker can handle all of our purchases on top of our growing bellies (hers from the baby – mine from the lingonberries).

And finally, this Saturday (March 19th) marks the 1 year anniversary for this blog. I know, I can’t believe it myself. I plan to share some interesting facts about the site and maybe recap a few of my favorite posts, so if you’re new here or haven’t been able to read everything I post every single time I post it (although again, I’m not sure why you wouldn’t do that), Saturday’s post will be a good one to catch.
And now, because it’s gorgeous outside and because I’m no longer stuck in a cubicle, I’m going to go in search of something that could potentially be used for the top of my jerry-rigged office desk. (And no, the one from Overstock hasn’t arrived yet. I’m actually a little envious of its cross country tour, which has so far made stops in Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, and is now finally taking the straight shot over to North Carolina.)
Just a little tip for today: If you see me flying down the road in the tracker with my body contorted around a piece of wood that you would think would be way too large to fit inside my vehicle, don’t ask questions. Just get out of my way.
Thank you.
Happy St. Pat’s Day to you too….Corned beef and cabbage is one of my favorite meals…..Have fun at IKEA!
Thanks! Yeah this one is Justin’s specialty – he enjoys making it, and I enjoy letting him make it. :)
I’m looking forward to IKEA!
Oh man I SO envy you and your upcoming IKEA excursion. I freaking could go bananas in there (I have, and one day, will again). I had more to say but now that you brought up IKEA I’m way way away in a land of memories of my favorite chair, jumbo packs of batteries for very little money (make sure Aliana buys some…baby crap = lots of batteries), curtains, rugs, gadgets, oh my. I am GREEN with envy:) Hopefully by then the smell of cabbage will have worn off and she will be able to stand next to you!!
All I can say is, you would be a TRIP in IKEA. But you’re a trip anywhere. :)
Hahaha and the cabbage smells DELICIOUS right now! Hopefully, though, the only thing getting “dutch ovened” tonight is the corned beef. ;)
Two things regarding IKEA and Sweden:
When I was 16 I lived as an exchange student in Sweden my junior year of high school. The first week I was there, my host family took a day trip (we lived in a town of 500 people, so getting there and back was truly a day long commuting excursion.) Because of the language barrier, I didn’t actually know where we were going until we pulled up to the parking lot. The first thing I exclaimed when I saw the IKEA sign was “No way! You guys have one of these here TOO?” Yeah….I had no idea the place had actually originated in Sweden. (I was 16….hopefully you’ll cut me some slack.) Anyway, my host family gave me a confused look, probably said “Ya, Ya” a few times and ushered me in for a day of shopping and Swedish decor.
Two….you mentioned a cafeteria and meatballs. I’ve never actually been to IKEA in the U.S. Are you telling me that IKEAS serve swedish food in a cafeteria there? Please tell me this is so. i can’t even tell you how much I miss Swedish food!!!
Haha, this comment cracked me up! That must have been a little embarrassing. But I can think of worse things. Like setting off the fire alarm in your dorm freshman year from putting a metal pot in the microwave, for example…
Well. I honestly can’t say whether it’s “authentic” Swedish food, but they DO have a cafeteria, and the DO serve what they call Swedish meatballs with mashed potatoes and lingonberries, and I DO happen to find it all incredibly delicious, but that’s all. I’ve never been to Sweden. :)
Good ol’ Swedish Meatballs and cheap ass hot dogs and ice cream! I think they even sell the meatballs to go in a large bag…mmmmm.
Happy St. Patty’s day!
I’ve never actually had cornbeef and cabbage, but I’ve heard it’s… popular. Sometimes. For some people. ;)
Enjoy shopping. One of my recent attractions was Swedish. They are a very engaging, intriguing and generally good looking bunch of people. Imagine the decor style is equally as nice :)
Haha, it IS popular. For special people. ;)
Too bad you speak of the Swede in the past-tense. Maybe he wasn’t that engaging…? :)