Kitsch for my Kitch(en)
Have you ever felt like you have a million things to write about but no way to write them?
I have all of these things to tell you, but I feel like I lost my voice. The words aren’t there.
Well, I have some words, but they aren’t witty or thoughtful or seductive in any way.
What? They aren’t normally?
Well, crap.
Let me just tell you about the lovely little pottery festival I attended this weekend, otherwise known as “pay $10 to get sloshed on wine samples then $5 to walk around trying not to break any handcrafted pottery and then head back to the wine tent when you realize you never really wanted any pottery to begin with – you just wanted to drink the wine and listen to the music, which, you realize, is even more fun when you’re not the one serving the drinks.”
Now that I think about it, that pretty much sums it up. So thanks, Danielle, for the awesome time!
I didn’t buy any pottery, but I did get some fantastic local honey, some seasoning stuff, a bottle of chardonnay, and this:

It combines my desire for a globe and my need for a place to store keepsake wine corks in one, fun-filled piece of kitsch.
Yes, we all know how I feel about buying crap just to have it – I normally stick to art and photographs since not only do they look nice, but they evoke memories and emotions, but c’mon people – it’s a globe and a cork holder.
It’s like it was made for me.

Sorry for the blur. Apparently I can’t take photos and drink orange juice at the same time.
Who knew?
Love the new globe / wine cork holder! We go to the Finger Lakes Wine Festival every year held at the Watkins Glen race track. A couple hundred wine vendors plus some artsy stuff, too. Forget not trying to break any pottery. They let you(for a price) take a lap in the pace car at a wine festival where pretty much everyone is crocked. The state troopers have a puff booth where you can check your BAC throughout the day. We take a shuttle back to the state park where we camp so it’s always fun to see who’ll blow the highest number. I usually don’t leave with any of the artsy stuff either, just hot sauce, aiolis, a couple cases of wine, and maybe a hand blown wine stopper.
Oh. My. God.
I need to go there. Like… immediately.
And you combine it with camping?? It sounds absolutely fantastic!!
It’s such a fun weekend. We usually camp up there for 4 days, making the majority of the stay family time with hiking and stuff, but we pick a day(usually Saturday) to go up to the festival. After returning from the festival, we continue to drink by the campfire(because that’s what you do by a campfire,) and when the kids go to sleep, we walk down to the kickball fields to watch the stars.
The Finger Lakes wine festival is really something that every wine drinker should experience. Friday night they have the Bacchus party where everyone dresses up in togas. Our child-free friends usually go to that too. And the last 3 yrs they’ve even had a Beer Garden area where several of the local microbrews are featured. Always a great time.
Your corks from Spain will look awesome in that!
Totally what I had in mind when I bought it!
I think your globe-cork holder is super cool :) You should aim to collect corks from all over the world (fitting. no?)
Haha you are wise beyond words because I didn’t show it in the picture, but this actually has the words “Corks of the World” on it, so that’s the plan!
This is so cool! I’ve never seen anything like that! I have to admit, I may have bought one of those myself – what a great way to keep old wine corks.
I’m so glad the rest of you don’t think it’s as cheesy as I think it is! Now I don’t feel so bad about loving it. :)
ugh. i totally know what you’re saying. i have about 5 half written blogs. (in my head, of course, cus i’m too apathetic to write them down at this point)
and i could probably fill that whole thing with the amount of wine i’ve drank in the past week.
total alchy over here.
Oh, I probably should’ve mentioned that this globe is only for the special corks. Otherwise my globe would be full in oh… a few weeks.
But we’re “writers” so we’re eccentric, not alchies. Okay well maybe I’m an alchy since I’m not published. Which kind of makes me want to drink more.
You see my dilemma, no?
wow very cool find ! I am sure you will be able to find even more cool stuff on your trip
SO much better than just throwing corks in my utensil drawer, in or out of a zip loc bag. Very cool.
I had mine in a vase up till now!