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What Did I Tell Ya?

Well kids, that ship I told you about, she’s turning but fast.  I got called last-minute on Monday to meet with someone to go over the photo shoot for a wedding he wants me to help with, and then yesterday I went in to hear a job offer for a part-time job and ended up working it for the rest of the day, and yesterday I found out I’m one of the finalists for Re-Nest’s hunt for a new writer.

You can see one of my submissions that got posted here.  And, you know, comment if you feel like it.

Of course, it could just be some ploy on their part to get a bunch of free material, but either way, having my photography and writing up on such a hugely popular site is a pretty good feeling!

I promise I will be back with more as soon as possible — but now I have to run to work.

Will someone remind me why I wanted a job again?  Or three?

But I will say this: Just when you think you’ve hit rock bottom and no body wants you and your life is just one big fat waste of time but it doesn’t matter because the world’s going to end anyway, things turn.

See?  What did I tell ya?


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You are a rock star, and I think we all knew this was going to happen eventually – glad you finally figured it out:) Can’t wait to hear more!!!!


Thanks for having faith in me when I didn’t like… at all. :)


Good for you, Katie! You give me so much hope that things will change…. Thank you!


They will, as long as you take the steps necessary to change them. :) I’m still not 100% where I want to be, but getting out of a job I didn’t like to pursue other interests was the first and most important step for me. You just have to decide what it is you want to change (preferably one thing at a time), and then start making the plans to change it. :)


yay!!! Congrats!! So proud of you!!!


Thank you!! :)


Hooray for Katie!

Soooooo happy that good things are coming your way.


Why thank you! Me too. :)


Yay you!

And curse you for your optimism. ;)

Photo shoot? Are you possibly getting some part-time/free lance photography work in there too?


Matt, sounds like you currently are where I was about a year ago — but you already have a head start building your writing and photography portfolios! Something tells me you’re well on your way to making a change if you really want it. ;)

The guy will probably tip me for helping with the wedding, but it’s kind of a work exchange situation for us — I get to learn what he knows about photography by following him around, and he gets a back-up photographer/assistant for the day. I’m not nearly good enough to charge for pictures… yet. :)


Oh, I want it. Just need to find it.

Or have it find me.

Whichever is easier. :)


You’d think it’d be easier waiting for it to find you, but not the case. It took me a year to figure out that likely isn’t going to happen. So you have to suck it up and go after it — whatever it may be. Which hopefully you’ll figure out. Eventually. :)


Woohoo! That’s so awesome! We all knew it was only a matter of time. Great big Congrats on people waking up and throwing money at you. Okay, maybe they’re not quite throwing money at you yet, but they’ve definitely woken up and started making offers.


Definitely not throwing money at me. Yet. But it’s better than the big fat nothing I was making before. ;)

Dennis Hong

Hey, awesome. Congrats!

Just don’t forget us little peeps at Musings…. ;-)


Why thank you, Dennis!

Musings is the first — and only — place that has come to me and asked me to write for them. I will never forget you. :) (Which reminds me, I might have come up with a topic on the drive home from work today. Now I have to try to remember it.)

Dennis Hong

Yeah, I’m good with the begging…. ;-)


Cool! And what’s great is it sounds like not only offers and interest, but enough to give you options. It’s good to have the recognition and be somewhat in the driver’s seat.


That’s the eventual goal… I’m definitely going to be hard-pressed to keep on top of all these various things going on, but that’s what makes life interesting. ;)


Congrats that’s great news !


Thank you!

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