Every Room Has An Unshaven Armpit. Here’s Mine.
I know, I’ve kind of been MIA lately.
But I have an excuse.
Several, actually.
Remember when I showed you my nice, newly built desk that’s all pristine and clean and fantastic?

Well. That’s all fine and dandy, but the other side of the room — the side I was too embarrassed to show you — has been looking like this:

Oh, the shame. If the desk side of the room were the pretty face with fresh makeup and whitened teeth, this side would be the armpit.
It’s the unshaven armpit of my office.
It didn’t look like this due to laziness.
Okay, part of it was due to laziness.
But mostly, it’s my indecision that’s the cause of the hold-up once again.
I’ve definitely decided to paint the bookshelves white. I’ve definitely (kind-of-sort-of-I-think) decided to stain the long wall shelves that will go above the long part of the desk a dark-ish color. Although, I’ve since read that pine doesn’t like to stain dark very well, so now I’m considering painting them once again.
I also love this rug and want to have its babies:

“Tapestry” by Company C. See it on my Pinterest page.
I could use something like this to cover up the horribly old and stained carpet in the office, but the more I look at it, I actually kind of want this for my kitchen.
And that doesn’t really matter because it is so far out of any rug budget we’d have if we actually had a rug budget, that I probably can’t afford to even look at it, let alone visualize it in any of my rooms. So if you’re aware of a good knockoff or know how to knockoff any of the multiple online stores that carry it and get away with it, please let me know.
Anyway. The good news is that I’ve at least managed to tackle some of that organizational nightmare that’s going on in that corner. The bad news is that I don’t have time to show you right now because they don’t seem to like it when I show up to work looking like someone who woke up terrified in the middle of the night because her husband’s work pager was going off and now has to deal with the fact that he’s leaving town when there’s a hurricane coming our way.
But that’s another story.
Obviously I’ll need something to keep me busy this weekend, so let me know if you have any more office ideas!
I’ll be organizing stuff in the house this weekend too since it looks like we’ll at least get some rain. Hopefully at least enough rain to cancel my tournament this weekend ;)
For SHAME. I can’t believe you want to get out of your tournament. :)
If you can’t get the rug as a rug, why not paint the design on to a canvas and use that to decorate the office? Good luck with sorting it all – looking forward to seeing the finished pictures!
That’s not a bad idea! Except I’m not sure I can paint… I can kind of draw and color though, so I should see what I can come up with. Thanks! :)
Abstract art…? Good luck!
missed you!!
How’ve you been, lady?!
Good luck with the hurricane! I haven’t prepped at all… wondering if I need to get some water and stuff, lol :) Call me if you get lonely without the hubs! My friend Teya’s husband is heading out too, for the Navy.
I saw at least you prepped a little! Aside from filling up some pitchers with water — and that was in the middle of the night — I wasn’t prepared at all. :)
[…] My first problem? Why was I looking for master bedroom ideas when my office still has an unshaven armpit? […]
[…] like books on shelves and a fancy new computer and god forbid anyone but me spills red wine on my spankin’ white desks, and yes, there’s a good chance if you bring your kid here, he might accidentally find […]