A Domestiphobe’s Top 3 Underrated Chick Flicks of All Time (Or at Least What I Could Think of During 5 Minutes of Brainstorming)
I’m sitting in the middle of the sofa, sandwiched by a couple of warm, sleeping pups, while the roof of my front porch makes scary, creaking sounds outside of the window behind my back. Lucky for me, that’s the worst I’m experiencing of this hurricane, which is fantastic, considering my hurricane preparation consisted of getting out of bed twice in the middle of the night — first to fill 3 pitchers with tap water in case the water went out (which it did during my first hurricane experience back in Georgia), and second to grab a flashlight in case the power went out (which it also did during my first hurricane experience back in Georgia).
I didn’t even know if the flashlight worked, but I didn’t dare try because, upon ultimately discovering its failure to bring light during my nearly sleepless night, I knew I would only get depressed at my inability to prepare. You would think that after living in south Georgia during the infamous hurricane season of 2005, I would know how to go out and purchase the basics, like jugs of water, flashlight batteries, and ice cream I’d be forced to eat if the power went out.
But let’s face it — in a true emergency, I would be the girl knocking on your door, half-starved and begging for a sip of water or even a bit of dental floss from your undoubtedly pimped-out emergency kit.
Trust me, that visual would probably be funny if it weren’t so… true.
The good thing about being on the outskirts of a hurricane or in the midst of any good storm is that it’s pretty much the only occasion during which I allow myself to just stop. The only time I allow myself to just relax without constantly berating myself for not working on some kind of project. It’s probably the only time I can sit through an entire movie outside of the theater, and in this case, several.
I enjoy plenty of action movies and comedies given the right combination of mood and film, but when my husband is out of town, I go full-blown girl up in here. I’m not going to lie to make myself sound cooler — I like my chick flicks. And, while the obvious choices are movies that apparently give women unrealistic expectations about love like The Notebook, P.S. I Love You, and Love Actually, I especially like chick flicks that, while inspiring warm, loving feelings of chocolate pudding romance and silly female antics, also have a worn, crusty edge of realism — that fight against the perception that
life is about looking for a “soul mate,” and is instead about fully loving and appreciating the souls in life whom you make your mates.
Unfortunately, these types of movies often tend to get overlooked for the aforementioned obvious choices. So here, for your reading pleasure, are a Domestiphobe’s
Top 3 Underrated Chick Flicks of All Time (Or at Least What I Could Think of During 5 Minutes of Brainstorming):
3) A Lot Like Love
It’s silly, it’s quirky, and if you can deal with the fact that it has a cheesy guitar solo that I happen to love, it’s fairly realistic when it comes to assessing personality types and priorities when it comes to love, career, and expectations for both. What else can I say? I dig it.

2) Definitely, Maybe
Okay. I will admit the premise sounds a little creepy when I explain the movie revolves around a dad explaining to his daughter how he met her mother and making her guess which, out of the 3 women he describes, is the woman he went on to marry, make a baby with, and then divorce. But for some reason it’s not. It’s touching. The running themes, of course, are how life doesn’t always work out the way you plan, relationships are complicated and have good aspects as well as bad, and there are many types of people in the world who can make you happy for different reasons.

1) Vicky, Christina, Barcelona
I’m just going to say it. It’s a Woody Allen film. Whew. Now that that uncomfortable bit is out of the way, I can talk about the movie. It follows two young women on their extended trip to Spain. They’re friends, but have quite the opposite perceptions of “love,” and what they want out of it. While Vicky takes the more practical stance on relationships, feeling love should be stable, reliable, and treated like an investment on which the makings of a long and content marriage can be built, Christina finds that excitement, exploration of the depths of the unknown, and most important, passion, are the true ingredients of what make love — and any relationship — worthwhile.

Complete with gems like, “only unfulfilled love can be romantic,” the sheer genius of the writing lies in the fact that the true, complicated, and never fully understood desires of women are captured in both Vicky and Christina. While each of us may lean more towards one or the other, there’s no denying the fact that we all want fireworks, and we all want stability. The trick might just be finding both. Add to that a beautiful soundtrack of Spanish guitar, lots of Spanish wine, and an intriguing love uh… pentagon, and you have the makings of a sharp, intellectual chick flick that, if you let it, will make you want to introduce more passion into your life while appreciating the simplicity of a comfortable romance.
And P.S., for any guys out there who’ve made it this far through this post, there is also a kissing scene between Scarlett Johansson and Penelope Cruz. You’re welcome.

I’ll tell you one thing — it really, really makes me want to go back to Spain, where the pace is easy and wine is a lunchtime staple.
I kind of think that’s the way I’m supposed to live.
How about you? Know of some underrated chick flicks I should try? How about movies that inspire you to live a different kind of life? And the biggie: Whether you’re a guy or a girl in Barcelona or elsewhere, are you more of a Vicky? Or more Christina?
The girl and I were recently talking about VCB. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that flick though.
Different kind of life living: A Love Song for Bobby Long (with Scarlett), or Life As A House (despite Hayden Christiansen).
You should see it again. It’s great! Justin really likes Life As A House… I think it’s decent. I’ve never seen A Love Song for Bobby Long though, so I’ll have check that one out!
That’s why I like snowstorms here…A reason to stop, and blame it on the weather.
For a second I thought that was Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the pic with Vicky and Cristina, and I thought I’d definitely missed a MUST SEE. ;-) 2 of your top 3 are 2 of my daughters’ top movies. –Oh, just made myself sound old…
Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Mmmmmmmm…….. mmmmmm…. mmmmmmm.
This guy is like an older version of him. Very sexy. You should watch it!
Scarlett is my girl crush :) Although I gotta admit, I HATE Ryan Reynolds (for no good reason except I’m tired of people telling me he’s hot when I think he’s ugly) so I wasn’t a fan of Definitely, Maybe. I’d consider the other movies though! Glad you weathered the storm okay :)
You know, I didn’t really like Scarlett much until I saw this movie. But so much of me can relate to her character in this, I can’t help but like her now. :) Ryan Reynolds? I could take him or leave him — I’d say he’s pretty good looking, but he seems like he has a fun personality, which would make him a lot more attractive to me. And umm…. shirtless? SOLD.