Because It’s Fun Looking Inside Other People’s Houses. Admit It.
Awhile back I mentioned that I had applied for a blogging gig on a popular environmentally conscious style and design blog known as Re-Nest, which is a part of an even more popular style and design blog known as Apartment Therapy. Though I made it to the “finals” and they used one of my two submissions — sans compensation — on the site, I never heard anything back about the job. All I can figure is a) I didn’t get it, or b) There never really was a gig and they just wanted free posts.
But I’m not bitter or anything.
Anyway, the job posting was brought to my attention by a friend with whom I used to work on the Army installation. Jaime is pretty much awesome. First, because she gave me a lead on a job. Second, because she has chickens. And third, because she invited me up to her amazing home for a day to take photos for my Re-Nest submission and introduced me to her friend Matt who also invited me to his stunning duplex to take photos.

This is not Matt. This is one of Jaime’s chickens.
I will eventually share the photos of Matt’s place on here in case you didn’t get a chance to check them out on Re-Nest, but I thought I’d take this opportunity to show you Jaime’s house since frankly, it’s cool and it deserves to be online. Even if it’s just on my lil ol’ blog as opposed to Apartment Therapy.
I’m just going to say it — Jaime’s style is, for the most part, the polar opposite of mine. Meaning she has some.

Her house is a contemporary ranch, and her decor style is the perfect complement — minimal and uncomplicated with surprisingly quirky industrial inspiration and retro throwbacks. (Her wall-to-wall curtain rods are actually just re-purposed metal conduit. Clever, no?)

Yep. It’s a far cry from the cozy and cluttered old-world, craftsmany style I consistently seem to be drawn to (scroll down to the bottom of this post for examples, and go check out this post to find out your style — apparently I’m a Swank Aesthete with a drinking problem).
If I could only choose one word to describe her place, it would be “airy.”
The wall of glass sliding doors overlooking her wooded lot, the breezy curtains, the wood floors — it’s like a day spa in there. No wonder she calls it her sanctuary.

My house is not a sanctuary.
Although, Jaime and I do have some things in common. We both think long and hard before making a purchase. If we buy something, often times thrifted, we know we’re in it for the long haul — we’re not just buying things to fill up space. Also, we’d both rather hang art than kitsch.
Plus, did I mention she has chickens?

Okay, I don’t have chickens, but I’d like to have chickens.
I think.
But I can’t afford the swanky diggs.
(I hate to admit it, but her chickens’ home might be nicer than mine.)

The chicken coop.
Nice, huh? It’s not quite as fancy as this one I stumbled across the other day, but it’s definitely better than a Motel 6.
I realize this is a little different from my usual banter, but I couldn’t let these photos go wasted on my hard drive. Thanks Jaime, for letting me into your home! And if you notice one of your chickens is missing, it’s not because I stuffed one into my purse before I left.

Fresh eggs for breakfast, anyone?
Your a great photographer nice shots . That house does look cool but I am sure once you finish all your projects you will be pleased with yours as well.Chickens are cool but I’m not sure i would want any of my own lol , Did ya get some fresh eggs to take home from your visit?
I do love my house. It’s just not quite so… together. :) What? They don’t let you have chickens in the city? :)
I didn’t get any eggs, but maybe next time!
I want that orange chair! I need that chair.
Isn’t that just pretty much the coolest thing ever? Awesome thrift find!
Oh my gosh!! I have a huge case of chicken envy right now!! I grew up with chickens (showed them in 4-H & called them my pets) and I SO want them again. So much that I covet every beautiful chicken coop I have seen online. The one that you linked to- wow. while I don’t know if its all that practical for me- I’m more of a clean the coop once a week, not every day gal- It was simply gorgeous. The chickens she had were the kind I grew up with & desire to have again. I will tell you that I want a chicken coop so bad that my husband & I were discussing purchasing a lot in the neighborhood we live in now (renting) to build a house in the future. I had looked at the covenants & said “Nope. I can’t live somewhere where I can not have a coop.” D looked at me like I was insane. But, he can’t judge. He never had chickens. He doesn’t know how supremely awesome they are. :) Plus, who doesn’t enjoy fresh, organic eggs??!! I’m thinking at $4.00/dozen – my argument for having chickens is very valid. Even if it means we will have to forgo a beautiful neighborhood & live in the sticks.
I think that’s what’s holding me back from getting chickens. I’m not a clean the coop every day gal — or a once a week gal — or an EVER gal. ;)
Way to stick to your guns, though! If you’re this passionate about having chickens, I don’t think you should give up the dream. Fortunately, you won’t have to choose between a coop and an awesome neighborhood if you look hard enough. I have a friend who lives in a gorgeous historic district of this area (old homes, mature trees, close to restaurants/shopping/etc.), and she has chickens. The city passed an ordinance saying they’re allowed (just no roosters), so just keep looking — you’ll find your dream spot. :)
I’m sorry, that’s totally shady. I think you did get scammed into providing free content to the site. I mean, if they publish your writing, they should pay you for it.
Unless… uh, they explicitly state on the site that they are too poor (or cheap) to pay you. Umm, yeah. ;-)
Haha, the obvious difference between that and Musings is you didn’t say, “Hey, submit a sample of your writing so I can see if I want to hire you to write regularly” and then published my sample, saying that was part of the “interview process,” then never contacted me again. ;)
I write for Musings because I kind of love it. Fortunately for you, I can only “afford” one unpaid gig, and I’m already invested in the product. (Speaking of which, I have all these notes for another piece — I just have to WRITE it!)
Yeah, that is totally shady. But…
Yes! Write, damn it! ;-) Seriously, though, just cobble your notes together and put something in the workshop if you want. We’ve had a few new people join, and it’d be nice to let them see the process that I’m trying to get set up. The past few articles have been so rushed that I didn’t have time to put them through the workshop, so it’d be cool to use that again….
It stinks that you didn’t get the job, but now you can pad the ol’ writing resume with finalist in a global writing contest.
Love your friend’s home! I’m so jealous of that chicken coop & those chickens! There is nothing better than fresh eggs in the morning. Love the orange chair, too. Thanks for sharing.
Can I just say that I love having optimistic people like you in my life?
I know, her home is just such a retreat. She’s obviously worked hard at it, and yes, I’m totally envious of the fresh eggs. :)
Count me in the crowd with jealous of the chickens. The 24/7 thing with chickens scares me about the way you feel about babies. Babies I know, chickens I don’t. But the call of fresh eggs is getting too strong to ignore and I think I will give it a shot next spring…If DH builds them a pretty home. :-) I don’t want it to be like my roofless greenhouse…
I LOVE looking at homes of all types, too, and that’s what I always liked about moving and looking for someplace new to live. If there was a professional home shopper like they have personal shoppers, I’d be first in line for the job.
I just have to say… I think taking care of chickens would be much easier than raising 8 children. No?
And good news — they do have professional home shoppers — they’re called Realtors! ;) (Though many don’t look at it that way, they should. I know a Realtor who swears she doesn’t need to show a couple more than 5 homes to find their dream place if they’re being honest about what they want. Now THAT is impressive!)
The showing homes, I could totally do. Also, maybe suggest improvements for better showing. But there is an assertiveness to the sales end, and getting listings, that I don’t have…
That’s true — I could handle the clients, but it’s the snarkiness I’m seeing among the realtors that would be tough to deal with.
But kids talk (I’m hungry, I’m cold, that place where the other mean chicken pecked me hurts) and eventually learn to make their own lunches! And having them inside the house during bad weather is handy… ;-)
Haha, you make it sound so easy! ;)
Thank you all for the lovely comments. My true belief is that Katie’s mad camera skills really made the place (and the chair) look goooooood!
Thanks Katie
So glad you saw this, Jaime! I was going to text you today. And I’ve already told you — your PLACE makes your place look good. The camera just captures what you alraedy have. :) Thanks for letting me share it!
Beautiful pictures, as always. And her house is very pretty – not quite my style, but I do appreciate it.
It’s true, contemporary decor is not everyone’s cup of tea. But it’s interesting because even though it’s not my personal style, there are certain aspects about her house (the industrial curtain rods and breezy curtains, the open airy feel, gorgeous windows, vintage accessories, etc.) that I absolutely love and could be used for inspiration for lots of different decor styles. :)
First of all, that house looks amazing. Second, you are a great photographer! I am trying to pay more attention to interior/design shots because I always just snap a few room pics without too much thought. You have a good eye! And finally, that really sucks are Renest. They recently featured one of our blog posts, but their quick summary wasn’t *entirely* accurate, and I thought that was a bit odd. I’m not complaining – I loved that they featured us! But I was just surprised that a huge blog like that didn’t do a little more fact checking. Ah well. :)
Trust me, the pictures don’t turn out so well when I’m taking them of my own house — it’s much easier when you have a room that’s absolutely full of natural light, like Jaime’s. I really love your photography that you feature, so I’m still looking forward to reading some tips. :)
That’s really cool you were featured you, but yeah… it doesn’t seem like they have their act 100% together over there. But still super flattering to get recognized like that!
chicken coops are the new black, i swear they’re everywhere lately!
You are so right. I think I’ll just wait ’till a bunch of my neighbors inevitably start raising chickens, and then I’ll get fresh eggs from them without having to do any of the work. ;)
[…] with 125 RecipesKeeping Free Range Chickens, How And WhyBest location for your chicken coop.Because It’s Fun Looking Inside Other People’s Houses. Admit It. div.socialicons{float:left;display:block;margin-right: 10px;}div.socialicons p{margin-bottom: […]
[…] not too long ago, when I ran my mouth about never hearing back from a certain website to which I’d applied for a […]