Does This Kind of Thing Only Happen to Me?
I’m no stranger to embarrassment.
I mean… I survived a 3-hour interview with a spider bite on my ass. I showed a middle-aged woman at the airport a vagina on my kindle. I read every book in the Gossip Girl series until the original author stopped writing them and they tried to continue the series with ghost writers and then they started sucking.
Because I’m pretty positive they didn’t suck before that.
And admitting that is embarrassing.
Which is probably why my face didn’t even flush a little yesterday when it probably should have. Because the good thing about embarrassing yourself on a regular basis is that you actually get used to it. You learn how to laugh at yourself in a way that says to any witnesses, Yeah I just did that. Yuck it up, Chuckles. It’s just another day.
And yesterday was no exception.
It was supposed to be a balmy 78-degrees, so I figured I’d take advantage of possibly the last unseasonably warm day this year by wearing a lightweight dress to work that had a wrap skirt. For the fellas, this is basically a skirt that overlaps on itself, like when you wrap a towel around your waist coming out of the shower.
The whole ensemble was probably around $28 at Tarjay. Because I’m spendy like that.
What I didn’t realize is that if I want to start earning a little extra cash, wearing this dress would be a good place to start. Following a lunch meeting yesterday, my boss, Alpha and I were standing outside of the restaurant along one of the busiest streets in town, engaging in a healthy work debate that had spilled out into the parking lot.
My boss was mid-point, and it was a good one at that, when a mischievous gust of wind decided to entangle itself in my skirt, “unwrapping” it, so to speak, in one of those Marilyn Monroe moments that would be all hot and glamorous if I were… you know… Marilyn Monroe, but I’m clearly not, and instead I was just a 29-year-old woman flashing her undergarments to her co-worker, her boss, and countless passerby on a 5 lane road.

Yeah, that’s not me.
All I can say is, thank God I was wearing undergarments. Cute ones.
Don’t feel bad. It happened to Taylor Swift in concert. Then the video went on YouTube. It could always be worse :) Can’t wait to see you tonight!
Ya know, within the context of this post, “Can’t wait to see you tonight!” kinda takes on a whole new meaning…. ;-)
How do you know it’s a new meaning? ;)
So glad I’m not alone. :)
Hahaha, been there!
Whew! I hope you were wearing cute undies too!
Happens to me all the time! I actually avoid wrap dresses for this very reason. And good thing on the underwear….God forbid should this happen with an ugly girdle. Or sans underwear :)
Dang… I really liked that dress, too! But now I feel so betrayed. Granny panties would’ve been bad, too. ;)
2 thumbs up (and 1 skirt) for cute undies!
Why does it make one feel good on the outside to wear cute (or sexy or elegant) underneath? I’ve recently embraced this new joy… Of course, if you’re going to show them off on the city street, it’s a much more compelling reason to choose them.
HA! So true. Though I honestly think it simply feels good to look good. Like, hectic as your day might be, you can rest easy knowing that at least if you die, people will know it wasn’t just a facade — you looked good — all the way down to your shaved legs and cute undies. ;)
Oh believe me, this kind of thing doesn’t just happen to you :) I’ve been the victim of many a wrap-skirt-malfunction. At least you weren’t going commando!
Seriously! Why don’t these things come with a warning? Or a safety pin? :)
That happened to me walking over a grate in NYC. And I wasn’t wearing underwear :-(
Ha! So you gave everyone a peek “Down Under”? ;)
I hope you were able to laugh it off! After all, all women have vajay-jays. If we’re lucky.
[…] just happen to me, right? You told me these things don’t just happen to me, like the time I flashed my co-worker, boss, and pretty much the entire city my skivvies in broad daylight. (Because, you know, any other time of day would be perfectly […]