Every Now And Then, You Just Have to Get Dirty
Yesterday, Justin slit open the belly of our living room carpet like a surgeon cracking the chest of a heart patient, exposing all of the bloody, oozing innards of our home’s structure.

Except there weren’t any bloody, oozing innards. Thank God.
I imagine an FBI investigation would be a major setback when it comes to finishing these floors. Selfish bastards.
However, as you so faithfully expressed in yesterday’s Facebook poll, it would make you accurate when it comes to what the majority of you believe to be the expected completion date — sometime in mid-to-late 2012.
At first, I thought surely you would be wrong. I mean, even though our past procrastination would suggest otherwise (a fact that Justin and I apparently forgot, but not you — not you), I thought these would be complete before my sister arrives with her 2 dogs late Tuesday evening, for sure. That is, until today.
We spent this morning painting baseboards and pulling staples from the sub-floor.
Some of our family members were less than enthused.

Others were downright bored.

Then we discovered some problems. Problems like one piece of sub-floor sitting nearly 1/4″ higher than another piece of sub-floor. Two trips to Lowe’s and a smelly cement-like concoction later, good things are happening.
Really good things.

And Tuesday might be a day for celebrating, after all.
Oh, LOVELOVELOVE! That looks so pretty already!!!
Why thank you! It is kind of awesome. :)
I dream about the day when I get with a dude who can actually fix shit.
For free. …or sexy time.
Bwahahaha! It definitely takes some “coaxing,” but when it happens, it’s awesome. If more guys knew what a turn on fixing shit is, they’d learn to love it.
That’s going to be a great new look!
Thanks! Finally going to put some pictures up, I think!
1. doesn’t matter the completion date, hardwood is always better than the alternative. you are gonna luuuuurve it. jelly!
2. i thought for a second i was reading a transcript from Grey’s Anatomy. Phew. cus that would be a snoozefest – i’ve watched all the seasons like 19 times!
3. missed you darling and i hope that you have a happy Christmas!!! i’m funna be making your soup soon!
I wish it was hardwood, but we opted for laminate due to a couple of unruly mutts. And a budget. And a DIY install. But yeah… it looks awesome. And sorry for the blood references — I’m having a bit of trouble writing lately. :) I just made my soup the other night! Love it. Merry Christmas to you too!
We had laminate in our last house… Have hardwood now. I know it’s not politically correct, but I miss the laminate. It was a high quality one and wore like iron. The wood, up against kids, dogs, and the occasional sliding of furniture, which has pads, but the pads always collect tiny, sharp sand, wears like… wood. ;-)
Yes… I was torn because I know wood is better to use environmentally-speaking, but we had to do what made sense for us (both cost-wise and what fits our lifestyle), and wood just didn’t cut it. Maybe in the next house!