THIS is what Christmas is All About.
I think maybe my last post was a little long. It scared me away for a few days, and I apologize for that.
Also, my little sister is in town, and she keeps me busy doing stuff like cooking. And then eating. And then cooking again.
And I have a cold.
And what I originally intended to become our every-other-year small dinner gathering of Christmas misfits — an intimate dinner served family style with wine and board games for those who aren’t traveling “home” this year — is now turning into a full-blown party of sorts, and I’m kind of stuck wondering how the girl who doesn’t like throwing parties (that would be me, in case you’re new here) keeps ending up throwing parties.
Not that I totally mind.
I mean, the idea that people who have no where else to go this holiday are willing to settle for our little ol’ house that can barely squeeze a comfortable gathering of 6 is kind of a heartwarming thought. I just hope they all don’t mind confined spaces. And a really strange medley of food. And not moving. Like, at all.
Other than that, it should be fun.
And the good news is, they will have a floor to stand on.

Yeah… so please ignore the unpainted door trim, odd green tinge I can’t seem to get rid of and unfinished shoe molding, and just look at the floors.

Yes, that’s a giant gear.
I’m working on my style.
Don’t judge.
We still have a long way to go, but I’m thinking the floors are a step in the right direction, no?

If you’re not convinced, here’s a closer look:

Yes, I’d definitely say we’ve improved.

GORGEOUS!!! Simply beautiful. Your place looks EVEN BETTER now! Like, wine-drinkin’ fancy.
Ha! Now my floors match my habits. ;)
Just stumbled upon your blog last night (this morning?). I’m smitten. I think the floors look great! Enjoy your time with your sister and the non-party party.
Why thank you, Mia! I hope you had a wonderful holiday as well!
Beautiful! And I love the map :) BTW, Landlord and I are about to head out for some last minute Xmas shopping and I said, “Wait! I need 20 minutes– I haven’t posted my blog for today!” She promptly replied, “I KNOOOOOOW! Even Katie managed to post HER blog for today.” LOL!
Haha! Yeah, I’ve been slackin’ lately. And now I’m trying to figure out how to use this new, fancy schmancy Mac!
What a great transformation… You must love walking into that room and seeing the difference!
Is the gear real? If so, I LOVE it.
I’m ashamed to admit that no, the gear is fake. I bought a FAKE gear. How sad is that?! But, ever since I found it, I’ve been on the lookout of real ones I can use as well. ;)
very nice it looks wonderful. Merry Christmas
Thank you, and merry Christmas to you, Eugene. :)
They look great! Congrats! :)
The floors look amazing! I love those beveled planks, and they are the Goldilocks, not too dark, not too light perfect color. Great job on those floors!
Why thank you! We are quite happy with them, too. They’re just busy enough to not show every little thing that falls on them. Love it!
[…] right — we’ve completely remodeled the kitchen, gotten well on our way to finishing the living room, polished off the hallway bathroom, have a guest bedroom I’ve never told you about, and are […]