My Kind of Breakfast
I don’t have time to write anything this morning because I’m already terribly late for a work-related breakfast meeting on this holiday morning, and I’m honestly not sure what’s worse — that I’m late for work on a holiday morning, when many other people are still tucked warmly in their beds or sitting comfortably at their own kitchen tables with a cup o’ java and their morning readery, or that I’m actually semi-excited for my greasy diner sausage cheese biscuit, crappy coffee, and glass of orange juice.
Hey. We do this diner work thing every month, and one gets accustomed to certain delicacies.
Anyway, in lieu of an actual post this morning, I’m leaving you with this:

A photo of the best mojito I’ve ever had in my entire life (Thanksgiving-ish, 2011, Miami, FL),
and this:

Me and my apparently giant hands, just trying to enjoy said mojito without the paparazzi getting all up in my bidness.
You know, because I’m famous like that.
Pure deliciousness.
enjoy your breakfast and have a good day off. Mojito are good … now that you posted about it I bet your going to crave one today lol
I crave one every day. ;)
good times, good times