Feelin’ Smoothie.
Today, I’ was feeling fat.
I know women can relate. And guys, don’t tell me you’ve never left your pants unbuttoned under a baggy t-shirt.
So for dinner, I did something I’ve never done before.
I made a smoothie.

One handful of baby spinach, 1/2 cup of plain yogurt, 1/2 cup of diced pineapple (I used the kind in the jar), 1/2 cup of water, and 1 banana. (Recipe courtesy of Green Smoothies Power.)
I only have one thing to say:
It tasted SO much better than I expected.
Of course, I added a couple of cookies on the side.

I guess I had two things to say.
That is all.
Your smoothie looks awesome! But those cookies look even better!!! (and I thought I was the only one feeling gross… Maybe it’s the weather? I don’t know but a smoothie does sound delicious right about now :-))
The cookies were definitely better! But I felt less guilty about eating them after I drank the smoothie. ;)
Banana and pineapple have too much sugar for my reactive hypoglycemia, so my smoothies have yogurt, berries, and spinach…and I think it’s a fine meal. :-) It’s amazing how it can be in there without affecting the taste of the fruit. I just choose to ignore the offish color. Even the kids don’t mind!
Mmm, will have to try it with berries! And I actually like the color — green is fun. ;)
Green IS fun… until it’s mixed with strawberries, then it’s not green, but some unnamable color. Maybe with blueberries, and it could be teal. Have to try that. :-)
Ha! I actually tried strawberries before you responded to this and yep, you’re definitely right. Not pretty. :)
I’m gonna have to try the pineapple bit… my parents have a Vitamix and so far I haven’t gone beyond frozen chocolate almond milk and bananas :) Also: new theme looks great! I miss the green though– and those little sticky post things at the end with the photos :( Are they coming back?
I don’t know what a Vitamix is, but the almond milk and bananas sound delicious! Glad you found the stickies. ;)
Oops, never mind: evidently my eyeballs aren’t working today– the sticky post things are there!
I was just thinking what to do with the bag of spinach in my fridge, and now I know what to try.
And happy 4th!
Hope you like it! Definitely a great way to use up spinach. That, and one of my temporary roomies made breakfast of scrambled eggs, spinach, and cherry tomatoes the other day. SO good and simple!
Other than it being you know …green….the pineapple and banana sound good and I don’t mind spinach itself …but in a smoothie lol… ill take your word it was good .
TRY it! You really don’t taste the spinach – just the fruit. The green is interesting, I’ll admit, but if you closed your eyes and tasted it, you wouldn’t know it was green. ;)
[…] I’m sorry, but I just can’t abide mushy greens. Even if I’m putting them in a smoothie which I know is weird because smoothies are mushy, but there’s something about green slime […]
I recently started making green smoothies and loved your simple recipe! Do you have any tips for making them more filling without adding too many extra calories? I currently started a 7 day smoothie diet if anyone is interested.. https://7daysmoothiedietplan.com/