Domestiphobia Does Detox.
So I’m on Day Two of a three-day detox/cleanse thingamajigger, and I know what you’re thinking — You’re thinking, Didn’t she just do a cleanse? And she never even finished telling us about that one. And you’d be right, but you’d also be wrong because that wasn’t really a cleanse cleanse, but more of an extremely healthy (and expensive and time-consuming) two-week meal plan for people who just happen to love food. Which I do. My point is that in that cleanse, there were solid foods involved. And a little coffee. And the occasional glass of wine and even, my friends, some dessert. So I would hardly call that a “cleanse.” More like a healthy diet kickstart to cleaner eating. Plus, we failed miserably.
Then our trip to Minnesota happened.
And Florida.
And that one night I ate like six homemade egg rolls at my neighbor’s daughter’s birthday party.
I don’t want to talk about it.
So Justin and I have been feeling an excess of chins lately, dangling from that place that used to be our necks, which is why we decided to do a 3-day detox. Just to get the gunk out of our systems, you know? Re-charge the batteries. Wash out the ol’ intestines and give ’em a good scrubbing. I mean, those organs in there have been doing a helluva job for 30+ years, so the least I can do is give ’em a rest.

While perusing the web for various detox methods (I know — the expertise of the internet is totally the most reliable resource for researching entirely factual information about health and wellness), we learned we had a few options. There was a basic food cleanse, which we’ve done, and just found it to be a crapload of work. (Ha, detox… crapload… I slay myself.) Then we thought about trying a juice cleanse, since that requires the least amount of digestion thereby giving our bodies the most effective rest, but we ultimately decided that another expensive kitchen gadget — like a fancy juicer — is the last thing we need with an impending military move sometime within the next ten months to who-knows-where. Also, juice cleanses tend to be more wasteful since you’re only juicing the food and throwing away the fibers. That means you have to buy a lot more of it to get adequate amounts for consumption. Again, better for digestion, but harder on our wallets. In the end, we decided that a smoothie detox was the best way to go because:
1) The pre-blended meals are still easier than solid food for the body to digest, thereby giving our hard-working digestive a little R&R, and
2) We wanted to actually feel like we were cleansing. That’s right — we wanted to suffer. (I’ve read that you really need to do more like 7-10 days for smoothies and 3-5 days for juice for them to be super effective, but since this is our first real detox, we decided to start with something that seemed more manageable.)

And let me tell you. I didn’t actually believe anything would happen. I thought these things were all hype and that there was no way that drastically changing my diet for three days would make much of a difference. And it wouldn’t even be that drastic, right, since I usually have at least one smoothie every other day or so anyway.
But oh, how wrong I was.

Since yesterday morning, I have pooped four times. Four times!
And look. I know that’s a bit of an over-share, even for me, because what — I’m a girl — and girls don’t poop — but if we did poop, I’d tell you that I’ve done it four times during the last 24 hours and that’s not all.
I’ve felt light-headed. Like, now and then I’ll feel slightly dizzy and maybe a little uncomfortable and I know what you’re thinking, so stop right there — It’s NOT because I’m hungry. I’m not hungry. I’m actually consuming more actual food than I normally eat (though probably fewer calories, to be sure), so I can only chalk this up to another detox side effect, and it’s weird. It’s weird because while I’ve always been aware of the fact that what I put into my body can affect obvious things like weight and general appearance and less obvious things like energy levels and mood, I’ve never actually felt that connection until now. It literally took less than six hours of a drastically changed diet and rigid eating behavior to feel a difference. And while that difference isn’t currently better than how I felt before, it’s most certainly eye-opening.

And I do believe it will have a lasting effect on what I decide to put into my body in the future.
That’s not to say that I’m going to do anything crazy like stop drinking wine or never eat sweets — but, overall, I’m going to want a healthier diet.

Okay. So thus far we have light headedness and excessive bowel movements.
Hey. I’m just trying to be candid about my experiences so that if you decide to try something like this, you might know what to expect.
I mean, if no one ever talked about the poop, then how would you know if yours is normal?
Also, if you do try one of these, don’t make that the time you decide to start re-organizing your Pinterest recipe boards.

Just don’t do it. That, my friends, is suffering.
Have any of you tried a detox or a cleanse? Tell me all about it. Or if you wouldn’t, tell me why not. Apparently I’ll have plenty of reading time on the toilet today.
Poop seems to be a normal topic of discussion around our house… mostly at the dinner table… for some, somewhat disturbing, but unknown reason. It’s just part of life, and you write about all of life, so it stands to reason that it had to come up sometime! ;-)
My 2 cents… Those drinks are pretty high sugar and not a lot else, so the light headedness may be a reactive hypoglycemia symptom… Blood sugar up, insulin kicks in, blood sugar drops, and you get light headed. If you get shaky, sweaty, or slightly nauseated, that would be more evidence of that. I have problems with reactive hypoglycemia, so have to be careful with, not just sweets or white flour carbs, but things like juices and tropical fruits in large amounts or without enough fat and protein to slow down the sugar load into my bloodstream. Blending makes the sugar more readily available, since you’ve limited some of the need for processing in the body. Like I said, just my 2 cents’ worth, because there is a LOT of conflicting info out there and not all our bodies react the same ways.
I love your justification of my randomness. :)
Wow, so I’m wondering if I should maybe stop this – that actually sounds kind of dangerous. I mean, the pooping is good, I think, and exactly what I’m supposed to be doing, but hypoglycemia? Could this turn me into a diabetic? Would Dr. Oz seriously steer me so wrong? (I’m taking the probiotic supplements and Omega-3s as well. Following everything to the “T”.)
It won’t turn you into a diabetic… At least not if you plan to live this way temporarily! And reactive hypoglycemia is not the same hypoglycemia that is directly related to diabetes. But it certainly is tough on your body to do a daily sugar roller coaster. (If you live on sweets and do that for years, of course, you can get to Type 2 diabetes.) But even this would be tiring and can take days to recover fully if that’s what’s happening. I prefer just ‘eating clean’ to more drastic measures like this. The fiber and good fats in eating that way will do the clean out in a more moderate manner…over time and should stay that way! Probiotics and omega 3s are good to have. My kids get sick and I never seem to catch anything. I think it’s because of the supplements I take… Good multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin D, calcium/magnesium… Yogurt everyday with the active probiotics in that. Because I do nothing else ‘right.’ Not enough sleep, not enough water, inconsistent eating habits, and too much sitting!
We’re all so hard on ourselves. Even when we want to be good. :)
Just sayin’… Something is working and, honestly, the supplements are the only consistency in my health-life that I can point to. :-)
Hmm. I’ve done some pretty crazy cleanses in my day. However last May I was having fibromyalgia type symptoms and anxiety like crazy so I tried the beach body reset. It was really hard and I failed a couple times-it was 3 wks and at the end I was a vegan. The program was 3 steps of reclaiming, releasing (detoxing) and rebalancing your body. I could only drink water and there were quite a few nasty alkaline and detox powders (I took them in water fast like a shot… Lol) and stuff to oxygenate and mineralize your body. The only problems were: I am a picky eater and it had a pretty hefty price tag, your not supposed to work out and it had strange food I couldn’t get in Fayetteville. Of course, I can’t NOT workout since I’m military…. Overall, I felt a lot better but it just seemed long and expensive. I’m having similar problems again and I’m cutting out diet coke because I learned a lot of scary stuff about aspartame. I’m wondering if part of the reason I felt better during the cleanse was because i wasn’t drinking diet coke….also I think it makes things easier if your spouse agrees to do it with you. Watching Shaun eat ice cream during my cleanse made me want to hurt him lol… Good luck!
LOL @ the image of Shaun eating ice cream while you’re suffering through a cleanse. That one sounds WAY too involved for me at the moment – I’ll be lucky to have the willpower to stick out these three days! Did you get any dizziness with yours? I’m still worried about that sugar thing, but much of what I’m finding online says dizziness can be a common symptom during a detox. But I’ve also read online that you have to be careful with smoothie cleanses because of the sugar content. WTF, online? Why do you have to be so confusing??
ummm…looks complicated and stuff so yea…noo…but hey i like normal smoothies ..thats something isn’t it ??? …..oohh yea…fyi ….tmi ….. at the end ….lol
Hey. I just tell it like it is. If anyone’s been reading my blog long enough to know that, it’s YOU! ;)
can’t really dispute that logic can i ……..
I’ve always gotten dizzy and had trouble focusing during cleanses and all the ones I have tried limit sugar in some way. I guess it depends on the type and amount of sugar you are using….I’ve never done a smoothie one. But I bet Melissa Rodriguez would love it. That girl will make a smoothie out of anything. Ask her about piña colada mix (non alcoholic) in place of milk for smoothies ;) Anywhoo I support healthy eating in any way shape or form and not all sugars are bad for you. There are a lot of very natural sugars out there. :)
Achebeyo and I used to try the Sacred Heart “cleanse”, which is really a 7-day diet plan for people about to endure major surgery (I think), but it seemed to be effective…for as long as we could manage it. The best part was, you could eat as much of the “soup” as you wanted, and that soup had EVERYTHING in it: vegetables, cayenne, beef broth and lots of other stuff. On certain days, you got to indulge a bit, but nothing drastic. The first time I tried it, I lost 12lbs, but I was also running full-time. Every other time I’ve tried it, I wind up getting tired of it after 2-3 days and wind up reaping the ravenous rewards. Pizza has a vegetable in it, right?
Haha, that’s the problem with a cleanse – I’m SO going to want to reward myself with a huge binge after today, and that kind of negates the purpose. :) (At the same time, maybe I’ll take it easy – I’m not sure my stomach could handle a lot of heavy stuff right away!)
I haven’t tried any but have always wanted to do it! I think it would be hard to do having to go to an office every day, but I am definitely going to look into it.
It would be SO hard. Justin did it going to work every day, and while it was difficult for me at home to not head into the kitchen for a snack, I think it was harder for him because of all of the office goodies. There’s far more junk there than we keep here. Plus, it didn’t help that the first day of the cleanse was a “cheese day” at his office where everyone brought cheesy food — appetizers, spreads, dips, cakes — I seriously don’t know how he stayed away from it!
[…] So you wonder why I needed a cleanse last week. […]
[…] p.m. Evening Two of Domestiphobia does Detox. I’m not hungry, but I have a craving. A craving for carbs. For calories. For dairy and […]