Confessions Of A Domestiphobic: I Cook Ugly Food.
I’ve been digging through these folders of food photos on my computer, and let me tell you — a food photographer, I am not.

The lighting is all orange, the focus is way off, and call me crazy, but I’d rather eat my food than spritz it with hairspray or rub it with shoe polish or commit whatever other atrocious crimes these professionals commit on otherwise perfectly edible carbohydrates.
Also, the food I cook very often just isn’t very pretty.

(Don’t tell it I said that.)
And while a seasoned food photographer with access to decent lighting who, say, cooked these at 11:00 a.m. and spent time properly polishing and wiping and plating and presenting could probably have made those look scrum-diddly-umptious, we actually wanted to eat them. At night. While they were still hot.
And, like, I’m not even really not sure how I could’ve made these look more appetizing:

Sure I could stand to pull out some garnish from time to time…

But even when the side dish IS the star, I’m often pretty horrible at capturing her shining moment:

I guess all I’m really trying to say is that what I often present food-wise on this blog is not an accurate representation of how we eat on the regular. It’s not always food porn.
Let me rephrase that for clarity:
It’s a representation of what we eat…

…just not really a representation of how we actually eat it:

I mess the food up a lot, too.
There was the great quiche debacle of 2011…

The salmon burger mis-flip it still hurts me to talk about…

And the time, just last week, when I dropped the scotch eggs:

My point is that while I have about a eighty-billion recipes I want to share with you, I talk myself out of it because to share would just be to expose a whole new impediment on an ever-growing list of weaknesses. Another iconic tribute to my Jack of all Tradedness and a blunt reminder of how, as yet, I’m still a master of none.
But maybe, now that I think about it, that can be my thing.
That thing I keep trying to do, which is to show you that last I heard, life isn’t really about trying to be perfect all of the time.
That sometimes I forget to make side dishes and that quiches like to commit messy suicides inside my oven and often, when I try to make weird things like Scotch Eggs, I fail miserably and accidentally drop them in my sink and still eat them anyway, because hey. That was my dinner.
As much as we’d love it if the daily scenes of our lives materialized from the pages of Pottery Barn and Martha Stewart Living and maybe, if you’re like me, a whole lotta Saveur and some AFAR in there, too — the truth is that most of us are messy, frazzled creatures with a very limited amount of time in which to dream, think, and create.
And if we worried about everything being perfect all of the time, the create part would never happen.
And creating, my friends, even if we’re creating complete and total flops, is how we learn.
Now I know that if I’m ever crazy enough to attempt Scotch Eggs again, I probably shouldn’t try draining the grease from my muffin tin with the eggs still inside.
Fancy, that.
Let’s keep the transparency flowing. What’s YOUR biggest cooking mishap? Please tell me the cheese doesn’t really stand alone.
Ha! Your summer rolls made me laugh. (Sorry.) I never photograph my food. A lot of rice and lentil combinations – they don’t really photograph well. Or maybe they do. I don’t even try. For what it’s worth, that portabello thing looks like it’s probably really good.
Seriously – have you ever seen a more phallic looking meal?! I swear I didn’t do that on purpose. ;)
my stomach just growled cuz it was jealous of yours :)
HA! I bet it’s jealous of the condom-wrapped summer rolls. :)
LOL to the salmon burger holding the umbrella. I imagine it also tap dances.
Only if you ask nicely. ;)
I usually lose an omelet on the flip about every other week. It’s sad, and you would think I would be used to it by now, but sometimes I just pack them too full of stuff and I am not really paying as much attention in the morning as I should. So I end up slinking off to work with a yogurt instead.
I bet you actually slink off with scrambled omelet and you just don’t want to admit it. ;) (I seriously cannot figure out the art of flipping. I can kind-of-sort-of make a crepe happen, but that’s about it.)
I can’t remember the dish I took out of the oven and dumped directly into the trash, but I know it’s happened. I know there are food bloggers whose job is to present “food porn”, but, as much as I love food, I’d rather hear about people’s lives/experiences/travel with some great food/restaurants thrown in. And if that happens to include a couple of iphone photos of particularly tasty, yet poorly-lit, meals so be it.
Aww, NO! I hope you at least tried it before it went in the trash. That’s hilarious!
So I think what you’re telling me is that you like my blog, for the most part, and you just tolerate it when I include recipes. ;)
I must have blocked it from my memory. I can only remember the dumping it. I’m a good cook, but have had a few mishaps. Live and learn.
:) Love your blog, and I enjoy the recipes. I just avoid full-on food blogs unless I’m looking for a recipe.
Haha, gotcha. And I’m thinking I might have one or seven recipes that turned out like that, too. ;)
As grandma used to say: ‘your stomach doesn’t care what it looks like’. Usually messy food tastes better anyway…. so carry on!!! We all really tune in for your snappy, witty, clever insight and the food stuff is just a bonus. Especially the condom roll, looks delish.
HAhaha! “Condom roll” totally sounds like something that should be on the menu at a sushi restaurant…
Wow, everything looks better with a parasol in it, not just cocktails. I’m going to use that tip to fancy my ugly food (at which I’m an expert) from now on.
Lol! You made me realize I probably should’ve stuck the parasol directly into the burger instead of giving it a creepy hand. Looks like I was blogging on LSD…
Hehehe, the hand is a bit weird, especially as the burger is made from a fish!
Hmm… maybe I should’ve drawn a fin. ;)
Someone on TV the other day said something mean like you taste the food with your eyes first, so it should be beautiful. I’m glad my family tastes with their mouths and don’t care about beauty! I am amazed when something I cook and serve ISN’T some sort of ugly.
You know, I have to admit that there’s a valid point to the idea that you “taste” your food before you eat it. That said, anyone who lets that visual “taste” affect how it really tastes is probably not the true food connoisseur he or she thinks he or she is. ;)
I don’t know why you would call ALL THAT ugly! I would happily gulp it all down! It looks delicious!
And, about making a mess — everyone does. Even Michelin-star chefs do. How many would admit, that is an altogether different question ;)
I love you blog! And your ‘ugly’ food! <3
Aw, thanks! Even the condom-covered summer rolls? :) So glad you found me!