You Will RESPECT My Authoritah!
You know what really chaps my ass?
(Besides the phrase “chaps my ass” because it’s just a nasty visual. The closest I’ve ever come to experiencing the feeling of an actual chapped ass, aside from the years I lived in Minnesota, was the time I attempted CrossFit and completed approximately 857 sit-ups on my neighbor’s front lawn where I apparently rubbed a spot on my bum — right next to my tailbone — so raw that there’s still a scar.)
What really chaps my ass though, in the figurative sense, are LLMs — Life’s Little Moderators.
You know these people. They’re the ones who send the neighborhood’s Homeowners Association after you because your grass is an inch too high. The ones who delete your post from the City-Data forum claiming it’s an “advertisement” when you’re looking for someone’s home to photograph — for free — in Charleston, South Carolina so you can post it on Apartment Therapy. The ones who don fake badges and too-tight uniforms under little yellow safety vests at the airport and tell you that you need to move your vehicle, even though your sister is literally about to step out of the doors and you’re surrounded by other unmoving vehicles and can therefore not move, and you’re trying your damnedest not to reach out and squeeze the pimple on his smug wittle freshly-branded security officer face while reaching into your purse to offer him a tampon because with the bitchy, irrational way he’s behaving, he obviously needs it a bit more than you.

Of course, you wouldn’t actually reach into your purse, for such a threatening move would garner him license to break in that spankin’ new taser he’s been itchin’ to try.
The thing I’ve learned about LLMs is that these are usually people who are so severely depressed by the complacently lethargic paths they’ve chosen in life that, in their minds, the only salve that provides relief is policing the whole, entire, world. (Insert crack about the U.S. government here. Ba-dum DUM!) I usually try not to engage further interactions with such people than necessary, but dammit if they don’t send my ass right to chapsville.
The thing is, I’m pretty sure two main types of people exist in our society as it stands today: The people who are happy, and the people who want the happy people to not be happy anymore.
LLMs are clearly part of the second group — those who are afraid to admit that it’s easier to bring others down than to lift yourself up. Who don’t want to take the steps necessary to change whatever it is that’s making them unhappy because it’s difficult. Or unconventional. Or maybe even breaks the rules.
I’ve been an LLM before. Sometimes I still am, mentally, when I’m driving down the road and someone doesn’t understand the concept of a passing lane. But, in the end, when I find myself wanting to react to other people’s wrongdoings, a little bit of self-reflection makes me realize that I’m the one who’s unhappy in that moment, and making someone else feel the same won’t make me feel any better.
Look. All I’m saying is that if you are a full-time LLM and find yourself constantly feeling the need to put someone in his or her “place” — rudely — because he or she is flirting with the fuzzy gray line in a societal code of conduct, you should maybe pause and ask yourself:
1) Is this person causing direct harm to myself or others? If not, maybe you should give them a moment — or several — to correct their own behavior or exit your life forever, either of which should appease your twisted little panties.
2) Why are my panties even twisted to begin with? In other words, why do you feel the need to assert your superiority? Why do you feel superior at all? Did your mother coddle you too much as a child? Are you only able to feel good by making others feel bad? What kind of person does that make you? Why are you so supremely unhappy? It may be time to see if your insurance covers professional therapy.
3) Do I really just need a fresh tampon? If you take the time to ask yourself this metaphorical question, whether you’re male or female, I think you’ll find that 99% of the time, yes. All you really need is a moment to assess whether this scandalous breaker of rules is what’s bothering you, or if you are what’s bothering you.
Most likely, it’s still them.
But, even deeper, if you’re willing to take the first step and just go there, it might just be you.
Are you guilty of being an LLM? Have you had an especially hilarious run-in with an LLM? Or would you simply like me to quit making up acronyms? Comment below.
Yesterday was my rant day, so don’t feel bad! There’re definitely those moments of realizing (1) “Oh my god. I’m an LLM! How did this happen? I need a hug!” and (2) Some people just suck all of the fun out of life for no reason. For me, the latter helps me correct any personal LLM behavior. But it’s always a balancing act. The issue for repeat LLM offenders is that they just don’t want to jump on the balance beam; they’ll always be picked last for any team, and you’ll move on and up–away from them ;-)
Wise words, my friend. Wise words. Except I doubt you can ever really move away from them physically — but mentally, I’m hoping, yes. :) (P.S. Hang in there – you will find the right gig. I’m rooting for you!)
I supposed I’d be guilty of this largely on the road. But reflecting on whether it’s them, or me…it is most definitely them. Every. Single. Time.
The other day I was driving and I shouted, to the world at large and my sister on the other end of my phone, “NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO DRIVE BUT ME!” I believed it, too.
(Still. When I find I’m most irate on the road, it’s usually because I didn’t leave myself enough time to get where I’m going. So does the slowpoke in the left lane suck balls? Yes. But I should’ve known he’d be there (he always is) and planned accordingly.) ;)
My favorite is “Oh…their car must be out of blinker fluid”.
Dude. NO ONE uses blinkers around here. NO ONE. That’s just one (of many) reasons I should be the only one allowed to drive. ;)
Good morning Katie, this is SO good for so many reasons – starting with your whiplash beginning about your chapped ass, and how you manage to bring it all back around just as we think we are going off the brink. I so totally agree with you, I don’t understand why we fixate on the activities of others as if our own merdé is lacking in odor. Our favorite acronym is Captain PIK for my nephew who lives with us when his Panties are Ina Knot – it is so tempting to slap an estrogen patch on him or slip some Midol in his food to wind him down. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
I’m *always* going off the brink, aren’t I? Love the Captain PIK nickname! (Though your nephew, I’m sure, probably does not – ha!)
Awesome. LLM. Great word for them. I am soooo live and let live, but LLM really bug me because they are not living and letting live and, in my opinion, that’s the only way to live. So call me a LLM if that’s what I’m doing by imposing my live and let live on all their actions.
Ok, that was a mouthful all to say I feel just like you.
Yes! I generally think I’m a “live and let live” kind of person too. Except… you know… when I’m not. ;) (It’s always so easy to justify our own actions, right??) :)
wow quite a rant it must be Rant week LOL Mattarch1984 said he had a rant yesterday and actually I had a bit of a rant on my blog yesterday to. If you have not have chance to stop by in a while I have actually done a lot of writing and it has grown quite a lot :)
I actually did see yours, Eugene! What an inspiring post. Yoda is the MAN, and I’m not even a huge Star Wars fan. (Is that the post you were talking about?) And you’re right – I use the word “try” too much. It’s kind of a cop-out. ;)
Yep that was the one and Thanks that is a great compliment coming from you :) I have to agree Yoda is up with there with Mr. Miyagi I think they are pretty much tied for that title.
FYI I just posted the sequel to that blog entry as a follow up post.
This time it is from the other perspective in the sense that last time I was addressing the people who blame failure on the business model instead of themselves. Today I am addressing the other person. The person whose team the other was on..
I definitely have my moments – in my head. As I’ve said before, I have MY expectations, and yes, I realize they’re mine. It’s bad when I’m hungry or tired or both.
I used to work retail, so I’ve had LLMs tell me all the time how I should do this or that – it was fine. One day I had a customer call me a bitch (under their breath, but I heard), and then came back later to buy some shoes and I refused to sell to them. So there’s my moment of full-on LLM. Victory for the abused.
Ha, your tired/hungry comment totally reminds me of my sister-in-law. When we were traveling with them through Spain, you could tell immediately when her mood took a turn for the worse because she’s generally very laid-back and happy. So her boyfriend would say, “Don’t worry. I know her.” Then he’d turn to her and say, “Are you hungry?” No. “Are you sleepy?” Yes. “See? It’s always one of those two. I just have to figure out which one it is, fix it, and we’re good to go.” I thought it was sweet. :)
Wow, I am BLOWN away by that shopper. Just… blown away. Not one of her finer moments, I’m sure!
That sounds like me, and my husband does a good job keeping an eye on me (so thankful for him). I’ve also learned to not leave the house without a snack bar in my purse – just in case.
Since the trend after this post is to unsubscribe, and since I’m a trend follower, I might have to unsubscribe…then immediately re-subscribe, because I’m a rebel like that.
Don’t get me started on what wraps my whities. Seriously. I’ll never shut up. And I’m actually happy. I think you can be happy and still hate stupidity.
Haha had to come check it out after my Facebook post, huh? Maybe people just don’t like my excessive use of the word “ass.” Or “tampon.” It’s probably tampon.
The only thing I objected to was your near-apology, that’s all. I just mentally redact all of the icky stuff now. Comes from reading your posts for a while. ;)
I call LLM’s those suffering from MOM syndrome. No hit to Moms, but its my acronym for “Manager of McDonalds” I always hated it when I worked in fast food joints as a teen bc every time someone who was 1 yr older than me (ahem-17) got a manager job they sucked all the fun out of what is already a lousy job and made those 8 hrs a day miserable. Now in the military I feel there are an over abundance of such people. It takes immense will power not to throat punch them but I have found I enjoy the phrase “with all due respect” and being aware of the pitfalls of becoming an LLM keeps me in check with those around me.
Haha “Manager of McDonalds” — Love it!!
Paul’s classic line to an LLM, usually in a check-out line at some big box store is “I’m sorry you are having a bad day”. Period. That pretty much shuts them up, changes their tone or makes Paul feel better that he didn’t lower himself to LLM status:)
I LOVE that! I’m totally going to remember that and start using it. :)