I don’t have a real post for you today because many things are happening.
First, these:

Apparently breasts grow quite naturally in the grass in my neighborhood.
They’re a little lopsided, but still, you know, they look like breasts.
So imagine my surprise when I was walking my dogs this morning and saw that I wasn’t the only one feeling perky today.
But I’m not sure why I’m feeling perky, because actually I’m trying very hard to stay zen and not get all stressed out about the fact that my crazy month of travel begins soon and I haven’t yet done anything to prepare and suddenly clients have all of these job for me and oh, also this:

Normally I’m not one to take in strays.
I’ll do my due diligence and call owners if lost mutts have tags, but I justify any further inaction because, well, I have two dogs of my own. Two very rambunctious dogs. And with strays, you never know their temperament. Or hygiene.
But this girl?

Justin found her while he was mowing last night and when I went to bring her a bowl of water (it was 95-degrees outside), she looked up and me and said, Help.
Of course, she didn’t really say that.
But like, she kind of did, with this low little tail wag and these big brown eyes.
I didn’t invite her in, per se, but I didn’t not invite her in as she slowly sauntered past, lulled no doubt by the cool pull of the air conditioned kitchen.
At least we know she isn’t a vampire.
She looked like this:

But then she let me pull the ticks off her with a tweezers, one by one, and made no sound but this soft sigh of relief.
She let me lead her gently to the tub and I spoke calming words while letting the warm water wash away at least a week’s worth of dirt and grime.
She’s completely housebroken and has made herself quite at home.

But the thing is, this can’t be her home.
Two dogs, I’m afraid, is the max in our 1,600 square foot ranch, so I’m trying to find her real family. She’s not microchipped, so a replacement family might have to do.
It breaks my heart, you see, when I know she’s been loved but it feels like maybe the owners just changed their minds.
It happens all of the time around here. People pick pups from backyard breeders in the parking lot at Food Lion thinking it will be fun to have something that loves you unconditionally. And they do. But it doesn’t mean they don’t require work. And care. And plenty of money.
It’s weird how life can be like that. How I can be feeling all sorry for myself about things not going my way, and then something gets dropped in my hands or shoved in my face that makes me realize, hey. I don’t have it so bad.
In fact, I should be downright perky.
I need something to call her until I can figure out what to do.
For some reason, Zoe keeps popping out of my mouth, but now?

Now I’m thinking Nips.
Aw, she looks like a sweetheart. We don’t have a dog (or dogs) b/c we both work out of the house and I just can’t leave them alone ALL day. I know people say the dogs get used to it, but no, I can’t. I hope she finds a good home.
Yes, I feel a lot better about mine now that I work from home. They had each other, but we used to leave them all day and I felt bad about it – even though they just slept the whole time! I hope she finds a good home, too. :)
You picked her ticks (with tweezers, no less) and gave her a bath already? What a good mama you are!
Haha I’m NOT the mama! Temporary caregiver. :)
I like the name Zoe. MY dog is named Zoe, so Im biased, but I can tell – your girl looks like a Zoe too. I think you should keep her. I would have to keep her, otherwise that doe-eyed face would haunt me forever. But Im a sucker like that. :)
Ha! I must have excellent taste in names. And seriously? I just thought that today – she looks so much like a deer – especially those big doe eyes. I can’t keep her though. There’s no way I could have three dogs and keep my sanity. Or any semblance of a savings account. ;)
She is beautiful – so glad she is safe with you for now and I’m sure you will find her a forever home soon enough (but we are the people who kept one of their foster pups so maybe I can’t talk lol).
And I really like the name Zoe – it looks like it fits her :-)
I hope we can find her one soon!! We have a couple people who are interested, but I feel like I have to make a pretty valiant effort to find her “real” family before I make any promises. I wish I could keep her – she has been SUCH a good influence on my mangy mutts! It’s crazy!
Ahhhh she is adorable – I love the name Zoe, seems just perfect for her. The right situation will present itself and her new family will show up somehow. Both of the dogs we rescued in CR are now living in the states and spoiled rotten. It feels really good to bring a pup back to life and see him/her thrive with a new family. I’m excited to see how this story turns out!
They’re in the states?? Stella too?? That’s awesome!! Your dogs are like the coolest dogs ever – but you’re such a good mom to all manner of creatures. ;)
Oh. My. God. What a beauty… I am sharing this right now!!! Such a lovely tale, and I’m so glad you took the time to care for her like you did. Warms my heart.
If you know anybody in the Fayetteville, NC, U.S. area (ha!) who’s looking to adopt, tell them to look no further. She’s the most even-tempered little girl I’ve ever met. Also, she’s probably a lot younger than I originally thought. I took her for a walk today and she’s all sprightly and happy. Like a new dog. :)
She’s such a pretty baby! If we weren’t gone all of the time…and lazy, I’d take her.
She’s going to her foster family today. :/ We do have a lead on her owner though, and if that doesn’t pan out, there’s someone else interested in adopting. She’s such a sweetheart, it will be hard to let her go. :(