When Things Don’t Go As Planned.
I’m starting to realize that the act of making long-term plans over which I actually have very little control is kind of like watching for shooting stars through my sunroom skylights —

There’s a chance something cool could happen, but if I’m uncharacteristically honest with myself about my odds, I know that most likely it’s going to end in disappointment.
Like that time last year when I was so certain we were going to get stationed somewhere overseas that I bought the mini salad spinner instead of the full-sized salad spinner because, duh, Euro kitchens don’t have room for full-sized salad spinners.

And I’m practical like that.
Or that time just yesterday when I was imagining myself working from the local coffee shop as the newest remote employee of a company whose name I’ve been fantasizing about putting on my Facebook page for months, even though they probably receive about eight-billion applications per day because they’re just that cool, until I received an email last night informing me that they’re not going to be hiring for this position after all.
At least not right now.
And after two interviews and a few weeks of sweating it out, I’ll admit that I cried a little.
But then I realized it wasn’t flat-out rejection, so I responded with heartfelt thanks.
And with hope —

Yes. I actually typed that in my email.
And yes. I do realize that quoting Dumb and Dumber’s Lloyd Christmas might, in fact, have wiped any remaining chance from the slate.
But go big or go home, you know?
I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’d kind of thought, what with me being a Chinese Dog in this Year of the Horse, that this was supposed to be my year. That these blinding disappointments would be a thing of the past because, dammit, when’s this dog gonna get her day?
But then I thought about the skylights. And the fact that I’m continuously making plans based on these ridiculous odds. And I’m doing it, probably, so that when I never actually get anywhere — when I never see even a single star that moves — I don’t have to blame myself because, you see, I can’t control where the military sends us. I can’t control whether or not a company is hiring for a position. There is no, “Try harder!” or “Don’t give up!” or “Keep reaching for the stars!” because the ones I keep reaching for are never actually my own.
And this is a dumb way to live because now, every time I have to spin my arugula in batches (#firstworldproblems), I’m reminded of my worst-laid plans. Of the things that didn’t happen simply because I’d wanted them to.
Of the fact that I’m not where I’d wanted to be.
That I’m never where I want to be.
Which is like the worst thing ever because where I am, right this second, is actually pretty great.
Maybe it’s time to set a concrete, attainable goal. One not left to chance, but to my own, crazy determination. And anything else good that happens along the way is just bonus, you dig?
Any ideas?
I feel like a three-second-long belch is a good start. Try it: You’ll feel lighter, first off, and what can’t you conquer if you just belched for three seconds? It’s not as easy as you think.
Confession: I can’t burp on command. In fact, I rarely burp like… at all. And when I do, it totally surprises me. So unfortunately that one’s not attainable for me. DAMMIT. Keep ’em coming.
if it makes you feel any better, i dont even have a salad spinner. i just kinda dry em off with a paper towel after i let them drain for a bit in a colander. super classy per usual.
as far as sure fire attainable goals… maybe you could learn the language of the country you’d like to move to?
Well, I was kind of making fun of the fact that I DO have a salad spinner. My name is Katie, and I’m a kitchen gadget addict.
I like that goal, except a) I don’t know what country (if any) we’ll ever get to move to, and b) I was thinking more along the lines of a career goal. Should I write a book? Get back into real estate photography? Get an office job? Be the best damn shelf stocker Barnes & Noble has ever seen? Decisions, decisions.
Write a book. Bullshit self-help with a catchy title. Go.
Bullshit Self-Help. <-- I think you found my title.
Oh yeah, and you have until April 16th.
Well played.
You could attend this writer’s workshop with me in SF next month! I’ll go if you go. And then you could schedule some extra time so I can show you around my beloved town of Chico. :D And it could be tax deductible! That’s it. I think I found your answer right there.
I would LOVE to go to that, but deductible or not, I wouldn’t be able to justify the expense what with no job and all… :/ That looks way cool though!!
Oops I forgot the link. http://www.hayhouse.com/the-writers-workshop-san-francisco
My dog woke me up at 3 a.m. this morning, she just HAD to go outside, and it was at least minus 5 out there. Just when I was ready to be all cranky and hacked off at her, I noticed that the moon was so bright it gave everything wonderful long blue shadows. All of the snow was smooth and so sparkly that it looked like 3 feet of the most beautiful glitter ever. And best of all, there was almost no sound – no wind, no cars, no trucks, no people sounds. It was really something rare and lovely. So at 3 a.m., when I would have been snuggled up unconscious in my nice warm bed, my dog showed me a perfect moment. My advice – go for those. Look for them every day and embrace them when they come. Plant your feet in THIS moment. And thank the dogs the next time they want to go out at 3 a.m. :)
I love, LOVE moments like that. My dogs have done that to me on more than one occasion. This, in fact was one of those moments –> http://www.domestiphobia.net/2012/09/12/and-i-traveled-just-a-few-steps-at-most-to-see-the-world/
Crazy how that happens. :) And you’re absolutely right — I need to start appreciating every moment that I have, instead of constantly worrying about the future!
You need a hot tub. Because in a hot tub you can see all sorts of sky and stars shooting around. And when you’re tubbing you can reflect on all the crap you put up with over the years that totally entitles you to sit there, at 2 am, without any worry about getting up on time for work because you don’t do that anymore. Because you put up with all that bs for all those years wishing and hoping and praying for the day you could just hang out at home with the pups and stay up all night star gazing. So, the goal is to get a hot tub. And to appreciate TODAY. Screw tomorrow – it’s sure to screw you. :)
Ha! You’re so right! Maybe I should get a job at a hot tub store for a few months so I can get the discount. ;) (I was just hoping to find that magic way I could hang out with the pups and earn a little money at the same time. Not to mention the fact that I think I would’ve loved working for that company. *sob!* But. It’s wine time. I may not have a hot tub, but dammit, I can still appreciate today. :)
I love that you used Dumb & Dumber… that was pretty much brilliance in my books and made me smile.
So what you need to do is come visit me in Winnipeg and we will eat all the food. Done.
Ha, I wish the hiring parties had thought the same, but based on the lukewarm response, I’m thinking I might’ve overdone my familiarity a little.
Yes! Let’s eat Winnipeg! When it’s warmer. :)
[…] passport. The more complex explanation is that I found myself moving to Virginia six months ago, almost entirely against my will. For years, I’d wanted nothing more than for us to get stationed somewhere overseas — […]
[…] And so the first unprofessional thing I did in 2014 was publicly whine about it and the rest of my crushed dreams while quoting Dumb and Dumber in emails to my interviewers and lamenting about having to spin my arugula i… […]