Doggie Dilemma: Holiday Boarding.
So I have to drop the mutts off at the kennel today, and I’m filled with all kinds of anxiety. This used to involve a relatively painless 45-minute commute into the country to an adorable little family owned boarding facility called Bed and Biscuits. Seriously — if you live anywhere near the vicinity of Fort Bragg in North Carolina, look no further if you need to board your dog. My mutts were happy there, and therefore I was happy there — the drop-off quick and painless with the knowledge that on the designated day, I’d be picking up a couple of socialized, healthy, spoiled pups.

But now?
Now the military has moved us.
And while there’s a lot to love about our new home base in Newport News Virginia, there’s one thing it seems to be seriously lacking — an affordable, homey, kennel.
Our Commercial Boarding Options:
1. The luxury, spa-like pet resorts of Williamsburg, where my pups could be pampered with private rooms, plush bedding, and paw pedicures. But as much as I love my dogs, I just couldn’t get over the mental hump of spending more money on their lodging than I’m ever likely to spend on mine.
2. The clinical, sterile facilities attached like an afterthought to many local animal hospitals. Though they might offer private runs, they typically lack any amount of land or play yards, and I seriously question whether the dogs are given any “extras” like the special treats we bring, soft bedding, or really any kind of attention at all. Especially over the holidays.
3. The lax, bare-bones basic boarding buildings whose prime idea of care is some chain link fencing, a giant prison play yard, and a hose. We won’t speak of those.
Other Boarding Options:
Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, there are more options than ever before when it comes to boarding. We’ve already lived here a year, and so far have needed long-term care twice: Once with a sitter we found on DogVacay who owns a restaurant and decided she couldn’t do both, and once with a teenaged house sitter who we wouldn’t have asked to come stay over Christmas. I love DogVacay in theory, but we’re seriously lacking caregivers on this side of the water. And house sitters freak me out — the idea that someone’s at my house, using my stuff, and possibly discovering that pile of dog hair I forgot to sweep from under the kitchen island is even more stressful than dropping the dogs at a questionable facility.
I think.
So we ended up going with one of the clinical facilities based on recommendations from some of Justin’s co-workers, and now I feel like I might throw up.
For real.
I’m usually pretty chill about my dogs, but guys, these are my dogs and the idea of them potentially not having blankets to sleep on or getting their medicine at the right time or suffering from a severe shortage of butt scratches while we’re off having a jolly holiday makes me feel physically nauseated.
As I sit here and type, I can feel their sad little eyes boring guilt-filled holes into the back of my skull with a skill more honed than that my Catholic father-in-law.

And the worst part is that I can’t even explain to them that I will be back — that they won’t have to stay there forever — just until mommy’s done selfishly guzzling eggnog and opening gifts with family she clearly loves more, since none of them are stuck in a soulless cement cell because their parents wouldn’t spring for the fancy pet resort.
I am a terrible, terrible mother.
Which is why when people ask why I don’t have real kids, I’ll just tell them it’s because I’m a heartless wench who thinks paw pedis are overrated and I probably don’t deserve them.
And it’s not like you can even put kids in a kennel — you have to take them with you, which means being those people on the airplane with the hockey duffel-sized carry-on that smells of spit-up and makes strange noises when you poke it, which is nothing compared to the sounds and smells coming from the kids themselves, even when left un-poked, who can’t help the fact that Williamsburg doesn’t offer overpriced resorts for their particular species.
It’s all too much, this holiday travel.
And yet tomorrow with smiles, Justin and I will don our special Christmas sweaters beneath layers of fleece and wool, brave the 40-degree drop in temperature, and keep faith that everything will be okay because that precious time spent with people we love is always — always — worth any drama, expense, misgivings, and mutt boarding.
And when I finally get to meet my new niece for the first time, I know I’ll believe that.

I just have to get through this part first.
I can’t find anywhere here in the Springs that compares to Bed and Biscuits either – I was so spoiled! I haven’t had to board my puppy yet, but I dread the day when I am forced to make that decision :( Sigh! Merry Christmas though!
That is the ONE thing I miss about Bragg (and some of the people of course) — Bed and Biscuits! They just don’t make ’em like that. :/
Merry Christmas to you, too!!
I’m sorry for your dilemma! I used to feel so guilty when we had to board our family dog at one of those clinical places while we went on vacation when I was a kid. I actually cried (I really FELT my emotions as a child.) I am having a somewhat similar problem now with my cats. when I lived in ohio I had at least 5 different people I could ask to pop over to the house and give the cats some food and lovin, but out here in Denver I don’t have anyone yet, but I agreed to do new years in ohio! I thought about boarding (expensive and also cats tend to do better when they stay in their own environment), introducing myself to my neighbors for the first time and then immediately ask them to cat sit or just flat out not going back to ohio. I settled on hiring a sitter who comes over once a day to feed/water/love on the kittens. I was admittedly nervous about the prospect of a stranger in my home but we scheduled a meet and greet and after meeting her I feel a lot better. although you best believe I will be stashing all of my valuables (what few I have) and hiding them out of sight. have fun on your vacation and merry christmas
My sister has someone who regularly comes and stays at her apartment to dog sit when she goes out of town, and she loves it. She doesn’t have to take the dogs out of their element, and she knows her place is being looked after. I think this situation will work out well for you and your kitties! It’s weird having a stranger in your home while you’re gone, but she’s not spending the night and I’m sure you’re valuables will be safe since this is what she does for a living. :) If I had cats rather than dogs who need to be kenneled when no one’s home, I’d definitely go that route. Have fun in Ohio for New Year’s and merry Christmas!
P.S. I may or may not have just cried as an adult.
When I had a dog this was always total drama for me. I have never put my cat in a kennel and have always had either someone I know really well come stay at our place or a petsitter I know really well do a daily visit. It is still hard and I always feel guilty as well.
Cats tend to do so much better at home because they don’t need as much care — but it would still be hard to leave knowing she’ll be lonely! Sigh. I love having pets, but they do tend to cause us some emotional turmoil. :)
Hi from a fellow blogger, new follower, first time commenter. Have you considered a house sitter as an option? 3 yrs ago I would have said no way Jose, to having a stranger in my house. But after being on the other side of the fence recently, it may be an option.
I minded 2 very very gorgeous puppies while their daddies tripped around Europe for 4 weeks. We had a great time at home, the dad’s got regular updates and photos from us back home. It was a win win for everyone. No expense of a sterile kennel and the puppies were in their home environment.
Happy to Share more Intel if youre interested. X
Hi, thanks for commenting!! I definitely did consider it — we used one once and it didn’t go super well. She wasn’t very communicative like you were, and she left the dogs unattended in our bedroom and they found a pen and got ink on our bedspread. I’d be willing to try again with someone else, but I didn’t think I’d have much luck finding someone to do it over Christmas. (In all honesty, I didn’t trust that they’d actually stay here over the holiday.)
Sooo… do you live in Virginia? We could use a good house and pet sitter! :)
I think I’d be even worse than you when the day that I have my own pets will come and I have to leave them for a period of time, so I perfectly understand you. Have you ever considered to get someone to house and petsit while you are away. Me and Dale have been house and petsitting various time and loved it, it can be the best solution for the pets because they don’t have to move from their own house and still keep their usual habits. It my be an option ;)
Yes! I think that’s going to end up being the ideal solution for us, if I can find someone reliable. We tried once before and it didn’t work out that well, so I need to keep looking. I just figured I’d have a really hard time finding someone to do it over Christmas. But now I wish I’d tried because we’ve been home since last night (New Year’s Eve), and I still can’t pick them up until tomorrow! I’m DYING of guild that they’re still stuck there. :(
Aww! I’m sure your dogs will be absolutely fine, but can completely understand the stress of having to leave them behind! Luckily our dog has always gone to the same kennels when we’ve been out of town and never had any problems – in fact he almost seems to be excited to arrive there and happy for us to leave!
That’s what it was like with our old kennel before we moved. They were family-owned, their personal home was right next door, and it was fabulous. My pups loved it there. But I just can’t get my head right with this new place or any other options we’ve tried so far. I’m going to have to start searching HARD to find a workable solution for the rest of the time we’re living here!
That pic of you with your dogs! The tail wagging!!! Ahhhh!!! I’m smiling so much!
And I’m so sorry about the outcome of this… I read about it on fb I think. I felt so sad. And I can relate. I left my cat overnight when I went out of town (an hour away) for New Year’s, and I just felt so much guilt. And when I came back, a picture had been knocked off a counter, and one of my mugs was broken. I was like… that’s fair, petted her and called it a day.
Ha! That’s so…. cat of her. ;) I’m glad my pups didn’t get mad at me for their ordeal… they were just happy to be home. Pets are the greatest. :)
Haha, I should clarify. I don’t think she did it on purpose. The photo was just on a shelf she likes to jump up on. She probably pushed it off by accident and then it landed on the mug below, shatter.
Haha! Suuuuuure…. ;) (Just kidding! I’m sure your kitty is a sweetie pie.)