The Least I Could Do Is Express My Love For Something.
Dear Domestiphobia Readers,
I am going to write a novel.
It’s out there. No backsies.
I can say it here because I love and trust you awesomely supportive people who stop by on occasion to read what I write, but I also suspect that a necessary number of you are hardasses who might occasionally decide to hold me accountable for the things I say and maybe every-now-and-then ask, “Hey Katie, didn’t you say you were writing a book? Yeah? How’s that coming?”
And then I could give you a virtual high-five and reply, “Just swimmingly! I’m so glad you asked. I’m rockin’ this whole novel thing. I don’t know why everyone thinks it’s so hard.”
Or, more realistically, “Oh yeah. I did say that, didn’t I? I should probably get started.”
I’ve decided that it’s going to be my Valentine’s day gift to myself — the start of my book. Because Justin and I are horrible at Valentine’s gift-giving, and if we’re not going to cave to the commercial aspect of the holiday, the least I could do is express my love for something. And this year, I think, is the year for writing.
Take that, Hallmark.
Pick a mountain. Any mountain.
Often, I beat myself up emotionally because I’m not a mother and I don’t have a big-time career.
But for women, it’s simple. You either achieve one or the other or both.
Yet I’ve given my mother nothing to brag about. (Aside from the fact that she has a really impressive son in-law.)
And it’s time that changed. Not for her, but for me. (Don’t worry — I plan on keeping Justin.)
You might not know it, but you’ve actually held me accountable for other grand declarations in the past — some of which I’ve achieved, like gaining location-independent employment, and others at which I’ve failed miserably, like becoming a professional blogger. Putting it out there for you to read ensures my own mental follow-through. I at least have to try. And my subsequent occasional failures are totally embarrassing but mostly okay because you know what? They help steer me towards the right path. It’s time to pick a mountain — just ONE mountain — and climb the damn thing.
My problem is and always has been my desire to do all the things.
I want to travel the world. I want to head a charitable organization. I want to help others realize their potential and achieve their dreams. I want to design and build a sustainable smart home. I want to open a gourmet food shop featuring Justin’s cheesecakes and hand-selected imports from all over the globe. I want to be a positive influence in a young person’s life. I want to work for amazing, creative, and talented people. I want to practice yoga every day and I want to make wine. I want to watch the entire series of 24 uninterrupted in my perfectly decorated sunroom while snacking on homemade trail mix comprised of my own roasted organic peanuts and cranberries I harvested and dehydrated myself.
And the thing is, it is possible to do many of the things through the course of one lifetime, but it’s damn near impossible if you’re trying to do them all at once.
So I have to pick a mountain. Any mountain. And once I pick it, every decision I make henceforth (I’ve always wanted to use that word) will be butter because I’ll just have to ask myself, “Hey — does this choice take me closer to or further from the summit?”

My mountain is a novel.
Which doesn’t mean I have to drop all of the other goals. Some, like finishing this house, just have to get done because in military life, a move is inevitable. And some of them — like working for amazing, creative, and talented people — are helping me get to base camp. (Because if I have a flexible, location-independent, motivational job I can enjoy while earning an income, I’ve then earned the luxury of selfishly holing myself up to write in my free time.)
It’s a win-win for everyone.
This Valentine’s day I’ve given myself something special. A mountain. A focal point towards which to work while enjoying blogging, my virtual assistant career, my travel networking, my home renovating, my eating, and everything else in between.
What’s your mountain?
Maybe we can encourage each other.
Katie, Katie, Katie….are we long lost cousins?? Gosh…I can relate to you on this… too…I want to take Italian lessons (yes…I need the lessons…I have been living in Italy almost 9 years and can barley get by), I want to also take French and Russian lessons. Be super bendy yoga girl. Oh…photography ….need to get good at that. Be super blog girl. Cook gourmet meals in my spotless home every night. And yes, write a book. Ha, ha, ha…..Anyway….your Valentine’s Day gift to yourself is wonderful. BRAVISSIMA! (see? I do know a little Italian). Anyway…I will promise to monitor your progress. And by the way…I JUST finished a post about Valentine’s Day….well…not really…it was more focused on making chocolates….but my thoughts are similar to yours for V day. Anyway….for me it is a day centered around those we care about. So – – I am sending you good writing vibes and expect to see updates soon!!! Take care!
Thank you, Diana!! I think maybe we are long lost cousins. And you reminded me of a few things still on my list: Italian, photography, spotless home… sigh. We want it all. :) I love your post about the chocolates and the fact that you center the day around those you care about. That’s such a beautiful idea, I might just have to adopt it for myself.
What’s the subject? Or are you not ready to share that yet? I started a novel several years ago and abandoned it for blogging. I still think about it though and someday I will go back to it. I am really excited for you! Someone else made a very big declaration to me this morning and it has me very sad today.
It’s not that I’m not ready, it’s just that I don’t really know. Adult fiction is the closest I can get. I’ve started 4-5, but never got anywhere because I haven’t been disciplined enough to just sit down and keep working. I’m bummed that you got a sad declaration today as well — you okay?
You are my favorite blogger because it seems that your mind works exactly the same way mine does. Can we be friends? Like actually?
I want to travel the world. I want to head a charitable organization. I want to help others realize their potential and achieve their dreams. I want to design and build a sustainable smart home. I want to open a gourmet food shop featuring Justin’s cheesecakes and hand-selected imports from all over the globe. I want to be a positive influence in a young person’s life. I want to work for amazing, creative, and talented people. I want to practice yoga every day and I want to make wine. I want to watch the entire series of 24 uninterrupted in my perfectly decorated sunroom while snacking on homemade trail mix comprised of my own roasted organic peanuts and cranberries I harvested and dehydrated myself.
Yep…yep..and yep. ;)
Aw, Danielle! Thanks for this. We can absolutely be friends. You coming out to Virginia anytime soon? We’ll get coffee. Or wine. And we’ll discuss writing and ways to do everything. Sound good? :)
oh yay! how exciting!!! way to put it out there to keep yourself accountable! I have always wanted to write a book too but encountered similar problems with self discipline. would love to hear updates on how this book is coming along.
I’m hoping this whole accountability thing is key — since I don’t have the self-discipline, I’ll shame myself into doing it. ;) I’ll probably give updates based on my level of confidence! Ha!
I can so relate. There’s so much I want to do and I should probably just focus on one or two things. Go climb that book mountain. Looking forward to following your journey – and reading your novel!
“They” always say you need to focus on just one or two things to become an expert. But some people, I think, manage just fine and even thrive on doing everything at once! I’m just not one of those people. :)
I TOTALLY get your whole wanting to do all the things thing. Your list there, I was like yep yep yep yep.
My personal mountain right now is finishing optometry. I NEED to get out of 2nd year for starters and then I will feel a lot better. Almost halfway there.
Looking forward to to your(!) mountain!!!!!! :D
Don’t worry, Colleen! I have every belief that you will soon become a real, live, creepy eye doctor. ;) How many years is the program? (I don’t remember if I told you, but I finally found an eye doc I love! I’m going to be so sad when we move and I have to leave her.)
That’s really great news! I’m so happy to hear that, honestly. Most people LOVE their eye docs and say they are the doctor they dread the least, so I was very surprised to hear you had such negative associations.
It’s a 4 year program, and I’m working my way through the 2nd half of 2nd year. I’m really looking forward to 3rd year because I will be in clinic actually working with real patients!
Yeah, it’s just something about the tests — I usually get really frustrated when they ask me which is better (and they’re both just really fuzzy). But my new doc took the time to explain the tests to me, tell me I could actually choose “neither,” and has some fancy, new-fangled equipment that actually lets me see my options side-by-side instead of one after the other. Plus we laugh pretty much the entire time I’m there. She’s great!
Good luck! Tell me when it’s on Amazon and I promise to order one.
I’d say my current mountain is finding balance. Vying for my time are my marriage, my kid, my work, my schooling, my need for personal quiet time, cooking, cleaning, fitness, and sleep. Limited hours in a day. All important. Hmm. I think you’ve inspired me to go make a pie chart.
Well that’s just perfect, because inspiring people to make pie charts was one of MY goals, so you’ve taken me one step further towards feeling complete. ;) Unfortunately it looks like you’re probably not going to get to do all of those things *every* day. So maybe your pie chart will help you figure out the daily stuff (baby, marriage, sleep) and how to work in the the other items with a regularity you’re comfortable with.
And I’ll definitely let you know when the book is on Amazon — thanks for the support and the positivity. :)
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