I’m going to be honest here.
The travel bug has bit me but hard in recent weeks. Read the rest of this gem…
Top Secret Crispy Peanut Butter Balls And The Key To True Happiness.
I was going to name this post something like “My Mother’s Secret Balls” or “Real Domestiphobes Like Balls Any Time Of Year,” but I didn’t. Which I think it a true testament to how far I’ve come, maturity-wise, since that time I kept talking about nipples.
An Abundance Of Deliciousness And Other First World Problems.
I never thought I’d say this, but for a very brief and recent period of my life, I was actually getting a little tired of eating out. Read the rest of this gem…
Um… It’s Not What It Looks Like. But Then Nothing Ever Is.
Sometimes I think we forget this is real life. Read the rest of this gem…
Because Calories Don’t Count When They’re Consumed In The Dark.
I don’t know if you remember, but back when I turned 30 (whaaaat? I have to say “back when” now?), I went to the Florida Keys. Read the rest of this gem…
Turkey Sausage Stuffed Squash And The Truth About Dislike.
If there’s one huge peeve I have in this world, it’s when a person says to me, “I don’t like [insert some food here] and I will absolutely never eat it under any circumstances for as long as I live forever and ever amen.” Read the rest of this gem…
Williamsburg Tastes Nothing Like Chicken. And That’s A Good Thing.
Lately I feel like this blog has become nothing but a representation of the gluttonous feast that has become my life. Read the rest of this gem…
Livin’ Large – Stretchy Pants Large – At The Raleigh Food Truck Rodeo.
Q: What do you get when you combine a military re-enlistment ceremony with a thirty-first birthday celebration with a visit from the in-laws with a pending house sale with an imminent do-it-yourself move? Read the rest of this gem…
Yesterday was one of those rainy, icky days during which my motivation level seems to directly correlate with the amount of the sun’s rays that reach the surface of the earth in my locale — which, incidentally, was approximately zero.
Zero percent. Read the rest of this gem…