When I travel, I continuously make one of the biggest, most common, most ludicrous mistakes over and over and over again.
Almost every time.
You’d think that I’d learn. You’d think I’d realize the pattern. But no. I do it every time, never expecting. Never thinking it will happen to me. Doing the same thing, expecting different results.
Kids, this is my #1 travel tip of all time.
Scratch that.
It’s my #1 tip of all time, and it applies whether you’re traveling or not.
I’m sitting here, on a city street corner in a room surrounded by glass, and a salty breath of ocean breeze has found its way inside. It kissed my cheek and made me smile and reminded me of where I am.
I have a giant cup filled with the best chai latte I’ve ever had, which doesn’t hurt.
My mood is impeccable and I feel, maybe for the first time since Justin left, like I can breathe again.
I’m in a coffee shop, of course, and I realize now more than ever that this atmosphere is not conducive to writing. Especially this particular coffee shop, with its eclectic music, colorful street traffic, and sailor-mouthed old man sitting across the room.
The staff here at LION Coffee are friendly, the windows are open, and I know I’d come here again and again if I lived in this town. They’d know my name, and they’d know my drink, and I think I could probably be happy.
Until I’d want to move again.
Next time, I wouldn’t order the breakfast burrito.
With its cheese, potatoes, and bacon, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t awesome. The spicy salsa made the difference.
I would, however, order the acai bowl with yogurt, fruit, and granola. It looks incredible.
And the coffee? I could drink this all day. I could drink this all day and develop chronic shakes and totally not care because it’s just. That. Good.
And San Diego?
(That’s where I am, by the way.)
I could learn to love San Diego. I’ve been here before, and I’m happy to see that it sill makes me smile. With its people and its restaurants and its ocean and its perfect, perfect weather, it’s hard to be unhappy.
I’ll admit it. This is something I should’ve written a long, long time ago. Two years ago, mayhaps, around the time I quit my well paid office gig for a 2 month bout of Costa Rican hot sauce cookery during my first ever existential crisis.
I’d like to think it was my last, but let’s be realistic. I’m a writer.
If you’re new here and have no idea what I’m talking about, you might want to check out this. Or this. Or just go to my travel section under “Costa Rica” and read everything there.
The short of it is that I realized that I was doing nothing. My life was slipping away, day by day, and I’d somehow hopped on this windowless, nonstop express train, streaming movies and midnight visits to the dining car the only distractions from the mundane ride, and lethargic retirement its final destination.
Melodramatic, maybe, but it’s how I felt.
I’ve written before on the top 5 regrets of the dying, and while they’re each insightful in their own right, the one that speaks loudest to me — the one that makes me think, YES! Where, along the shaky path between youth and adulthood, do we lose this? — is, “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself — not the life others expected of me.”
Yet, there I was. Sitting in a gray office cubicle, wondering how I’d gotten there. Had I been asleep? What next? Kids? As a military spouse, I could hardly count on climbing the corporate ladder, so kids were the next logical step.
And that’s when I knew.
I had to get off this train.
I’m fairly certain that I’m not the only one who’s felt that way. Who’s felt that I somehow missed the announcement when the conductor said, “If you want to be an adult, make your own choices, and live your own life, get off my train. If you want to do what’s expected, what your parents want you to do, what society expects you to do, and live your life in a sea of ‘shoulds,’ then by all means, stay on board.” It never even occurred to me that there might be an exit. As a kid, people were always telling me to just be myself. They said I can do whatever I want to do — be whatever I want to be. Days were spent honing creativity and imagination. It was okay to laugh and be loud and just live in the moment.
But then?
Then we’re supposed to grow up. And apparently growing up means forgetting everything they told us about being ourselves and instead we need to be what they want us to be: Demure. Put together. Successful.
Apparently fun and finger painting had gone the way of Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny and consequenceless cupcake binges.
Growing up, it seems, means accumulating student loan and automobile debt if you’re smart, and loads of credit card debt if you’re not. It means bills and payments on some things you need and many you don’t. For the majority of us, it means going to work for someone we hardly respect, sleepwalking through our days just so they’ll end, and being too exhausted at night from under stimulation to manage much more than a Lean Cuisine and a few hours in front of the tube.
Then we do it again.
Tomorrow, we think. Tomorrow will be different. We’ll go for that run. We’ll cook that amazing meal. We’ll start that diet. We’ll plan that vacation.
But we don’t.
Because it’s easier, sometimes, to sleepwalk through life than to sit back and examine our own state of being. We reach certain preconceived milestones and assume we’re supposed to be content.
The problem?
We’re not.
Because milestones are fake.
They exist so we can see if we “measure up” with our fellow humans — do we make enough money? Do we drive a nice car? Are we married? Are our kids great at sports?
It takes the acknowledgement of dying regrets to realize that none of that matters. At least, it doesn’t matter if you’re doing it so others won’t criticize the life you’ve chosen.
That logic is useless because
here is the deepest secret nobody knows here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
(E.E. Cummings)
They’ll criticize it anyway.
They will. Your neighbors will talk about the grass you forgot to water or your sofa with the tear or the way your dogs bark at every passerby.
The truth is, you will never be good enough for the standards of another. So until you start caring only about the standards you set for yourself, your need for approval will never be sated.
What does this have to do with travel?
Too many of us want to embark on an adventure, but we don’t. We create excuses. We fear the unknown.
For me, at least, my decision to quit my “normal” job came with a price. While I was fortunate enough to have a supportive husband, some select supportive friends, and the savings to make quitting fiscally possible, it became very clear that my decision was somehow threatening to others. Many of the uninvited warnings were incredulous, unsupportive, and often cruel.
I cried.
A lot.
How could they say these things about me? I’m lazy. I’m a quitter. I’m going to get my husband in trouble with the military and drag us into the poor house. Oh, and I’m probably going to get raped and robbed while I travel, so I better just be prepared.
Best of luck.
But you know?
This process helped. It helped Justin and I weed out the people who matter and the people who don’t. The people who encourage and lift us up, and the people whose happiness, it seems, is dependent on our failures.
Why don’t more people — people who have the desire — travel long-term or more often?
It’s hard.
It forces us to admit that we’re caught in a trap of our own design.
We sometimes have to spend time away from people we love.
We might have to sacrifice some modern comforts in order to afford it.
People will criticize.
It’s hard.
But think. Why do some people gather the courage to jump off the train?
Because, my friends… they can never really understand the why until they’ve experienced it themselves.
One of the best ways, I’ve found, to become intimate with a new place is to attend a festival. Any festival. Food festivals, naturally, rank #1 on my list of the most desirable festivals to seek, but art, I’d have to say, ranks a close second.
Did you know that the song, “Build Me Up, Buttercup” always puts me in a good mood?
It doesn’t matter that my allergies have practically crudded my contact lenses to my eyelids and my husband’s in Afghanistan and the dogs have been waking me up at 5:30 every morning so they can drag me 2 miles around the neighborhood.
Ultimately, it’s The Foundations — not the sunrise over the lake or the smell of my morning coffee or any amount of caffeine — who put the spring back in my step.
Which only further proves that I was born in the wrong generation.
Technology makes me nervous, and I’m pretty sure that a poppy-seed from my bagel just got stuck inside my keyboard.
That wouldn’t have happened with a typewriter.
Of course, then this whole blog thing wouldn’t be happening either, and I’d probably be haphazardly wandering the streets of Fayetteville talking to anyone who will listen about the merits of Poo-Pourri while shoving photos of family vacations in their faces.
But instead, I get to shove them in your faces, which is much more gratifying.
After our first day in Colorado was spent guzzling free alcoholic beverages at the Coors brewery, we decided we needed some culture in our lives. My mother, her boyfriend Ed, Justin and I hopped on a train that speedily dropped us in the heart of downtown Denver.
(Can I just say for a second how much I love public transportation? Seriously. My dream is to live in a city with clean, efficient public transportation — where I can jet from one place to the next without worrying where to park my car, how much it’s going to cost, or whether I might lose the drag race I just accepted with a 60-year-old man. True story.
I won.)
Just one of many modes of Denver mass transit.
Our first stop in the Mile High city was for food.
You know my priorities.
Justin, always the advocate for anything highlighted on the Food or Travel networks, opted for Biker Jim’s Gourmet Dogs. We were searching for their street cart at the specified location, but ended up walking several city blocks to the actual restaurant when we learned it was an off-day for the food cart. Turns out this was a wise decision, since I’m pretty sure they don’t sell beer from the food cart.
But I’ve been wrong before.
The decor is minimal and industrial, but their main food is hot dogs. What do you expect?
An interesting juxtaposition of good ol’ “Amurcan” cuisine, gourmet ingredients, and several oddities you’d be more likely to find dead on the side of the road than in Manhattan’s finest establishments make up the simple menu.
Tip: The larger the selection of food on a restaurant’s menu, the crappier it will likely be. Smaller, more selective menus are generally where you’ll find the best food.
I ordered the Weiner Wellington — an insanely delicious rib eye steak brat with mushroom duxelle and grainy Dijon cream wrapped in puff pastry and drizzled with Bordelaise. I don’t know what most of that is, but I do know this: It tasted like heaven wrapped in fluffy clouds dipped in gravy.
Now. I honestly can’t remember what Justin and Ed ordered. It may have been the southwest buffalo. It may have been the Wild Boar. Maybe the smoked bacon Bat Dog, with avocado puree, tomato cream cheese, caramelized onion, and bacon bits. And I know the idea of the rattlesnake and pheasant dogs were at least discussed.
I wouldn’t say I’m a beer snob, but if you stick a can of Coors Light in front of me, I’m not going to lie — I’ll ask you to bring me a glass of water instead because it tastes the same and has far fewer calories.
Unless it’s a hot summer day and I’m craving a cold light beer to get me through a project or a giant, juicy hamburger, I’m usually going to pick a darker, heavier beer.
So when Justin said he wanted to tour the Coors Brewery while we were in Colorado, I was intrigued because I hadn’t been since before I was of legal drinking age, but also secretly wishing we could have gone to some other brewery.
Turns out, though, that this one was worth the trip.
We arrived at the complex in Golden, Colorado, parked, and waited in line for about 20 minutes before getting on a tour bus. The folks at Coors run a smooth — and free — operation. My only complaint is that the outdoor waiting area wasn’t covered, hence my first high-altitude sunburn of the trip. Our tour guide was hilarious, taking us on a quick run through downtown Golden before dropping us off outside of the brewery.
Hey, red shirt guy. Get out of my shot.
Since the last time I was there, they turned the brewery part into a self-guided tour. The nice thing was that we could meander as we pleased, listening to our little self-guided tour speakers. Coors also had stations set up throughout the walk where employees could answer any questions we might have.
Of course, I don’t remember anything I heard through the speaker, so let’s just look at the pictures, shall we?
I have no idea who this woman is. But she wouldn’t move, so I took the picture anyway. She happens to be pointing to the label of what I’ve since discovered is a very awesome beer.
The infamous copper kettles. All I remember is that there were a lot of them, and you could determine the various purposes of each by looking at the size of the shaft. (Ha!) Also, the big red signs.
We’ll call this Mission Control. I’m pretty sure that guy was watching football. Or porn. Or both.
Hmm… how does one test the quality of beer?
By drinking it, I imagine.
About halfway through the tour we came upon the Fresh Beer Room, where we were able to sample exceedingly fresh Coors or Coors Light, straight from the source.
I’ll admit it was tasty, fresh as it was, but it was still just Coors.
One of the coolest parts was the packaging room. The maze of conveyor belts, gears, and complicated looking machinery had us mesmerized for several minutes. Waaaay up high in the back, we could see cans coming in. Then stuff would happen and suddenly they’d be in boxes.
By this point we were getting antsy and ready for the final stop of the tour — the bar.
The coolest part about the entire experience, aside from seeing that it’s actual people — not elves — who are responsible for putting beer in my fridge, was the fact that everything was free. Including 3 pints each of our choice at the end of the tour.
The Colorado Native was good, but the Batch 19 was phenomenal.
Couple of Batch 19s.
I asked the bartender how they manage to keep the locals from stopping in every day for some free beers, and he said that they don’t! Guests are limited to one visit per day, and he said there are students from the Colorado School of Mines who show up daily.
Unless you follow my Facebook page, in which case you know we hopped a plane to Denver a couple of days ago and haven’t been seen or heard from since.
Unless you frequent the Coors brewery in Golden, Colorado, which case you probably came to know me and my high altitude sunburn and my affinity for Batch 19, a pre-prohibition style lager quite well.
The trip wasn’t exactly spur-of-the-moment. But for some reason, it seemed really far away for a very long time, and then suddenly it was here, and I was throwing the majority of my clothes into a suitcase on the morning we left while Justin impatiently tapped his foot in the kitchen and gently reminded me that we still had an hour drive to the airport and would I please hurry up because it’s raining and we still have to go through security and GOOD GOD, WOMAN there’s no way this suitcase weighs less than 50 pounds.
And then we got to the airport, where our combined suitcase weighed exactly 49.5 pounds thankyouverymuch, and anyway it was free because he’s active duty military and oh, also our flight was delayed for 2 hours due to inclement weather between Raleigh and Dallas so sit back, relax, and have another cup of very expensive java.
These things always have a way of working themselves out.
Justin just doesn’t understand how I roll.
So now we’re here, in Colorado, partaking in the consumption of beer and mountain scenery and beer.
When we finally arrived after many delays and plane-sittings and plane farters and children who kick seats, I entered what can only be described as Mecca, otherwise known as the Denver Airport Ladies’ Restroom.
Obviously, I had a hard time capturing the true beauty with my iPhone. And I was a little nervous that the cleaning lady, who was already staring at me with bemused curiosity, might call security if I pulled out my DSLR.
It’s only the second time we’ve visited my mother in the 6 years she and Ed have lived here, so it’s amazing how we fall into a routine, like we only live a few hours away and do this every weekend. Wake up, fix coffee, stare at the display of distant mountains to see what kind of view they care to give today: mysterious haze, sharp lines and saturated contrasts, shimmering mirage. Always something new, sometimes slapped rolling and haphazard across the horizon with careless impressionist watercolor abandon — and other times sketched carefully with such detail and accented with dark oils that they actually look real.
Soon, Justin’s family will come wheeling into town (a couple of his aunts already live here, which is just sheer good fortune), and we’ll spend that overwhelming chaotic time together eating and laughing and drinking and my mom will feel, for the first time in a long time, what it’s like to have lots of family around at once.
We all want to spend some time with Justin before he goes to Afghanistan, and I suppose I’ve learned that I have to share.
It doesn’t hurt that his family is awesome.
But here’s the thing, in case you were wondering.
I know I’m domestiphobic.
I know this so well that I made up this whole word to describe my aversion to all things domestic and I think, on some level, that most of you can relate.
At least a little.
But that doesn’t mean that I won’t miss my husband.
All it means, in the end, is that I won’t miss his laundry.
If I could only use one word to describe the city of Philadelphia. I know exactly what I’d choose:
Really, almost everything I’d heard about Philly — aside from endless word about the deliciousness of its cheese steaks — alluded to its roughness.
Its edge.
Its subtly induced reputation for hard knocks and downed luck and overbearing, relentless strife.
From the obvious overtones of Bruce Springsteen’s “Streets of Philadelphia” to Will Smith’s epic fight on the basketball court during the opening credits of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, the city was advertised as lonely and dangerous. With its gritty undertones of dreary streets and gray skies serving as cinematic backdrops for the trials of Sylvester Stallone and Tom Hanks in Rocky and Philadelphia, the city was portrayed bleak and hopeless.
Because of these things, Philadelphia just sat, dusty and neglected in the back of my mind, as this place I’d probably never care to see.
But then?
But then I saw it.
I really saw it.
I saw its richness in history, art, museums, green space, food, and culture.
And suddenly, I felt very, very misinformed.
I only had one day to explore, but now I know this: Philadelphia, I will be back.
Last weekend, a baby and her adorable parents took us to lunch.
See how cute those parents are?
In Durham, NC, there’s a place that, while the menu had grown over time, specializes in exactly 2 things:
Chicken ‘n Waffles.
Say, what?
Sounds strange, but Durham people know that Dame’s Chicken & Waffles is something special. Which is why we weren’t too surprised to see the gigantic line outside.
Bummed, but not surprised.
How long is the wait?
So we waited.
And we watched people eat.
And we studied the menu.
And we became mildly concerned that we were going to starve to death, right there on the street, watching people devour heaping plates of fried chicken and waffles.
Jesus, my husband has to stop looking cute while holding babies.
We became delusional from the hunger, gnawing on mice and stray appendages.
Have I been reading too much Hunger Games?
They called us just in time.
And all was right with the world.
So I’ll get right down to it.
The place has a great atmosphere — tiny, crowded, and cramped enough to see what everyone else is ordering.
(Pssst – I’ll give you a hint: Chicken. And Waffles.)
Alaina and I got started with champagne and lemonade. You know, to celebrate getting in. We were going to go with mimosas, but our waitress killed us on the up sell. The great thing is that they ended up being less than $7.00 each, and we were able to carry our mini wine cooler-tasting bottles of champagne through the Durham art show, taking nips to dull the pain of my poor choice in footwear.
I’m glad our drinks were light, because the meal was certainly not.
First came the sides.
A bowl of incredible fresh fruit — plump, ripe strawberries and sweet, juicy pineapple. The cheese grits (left) were delicious — not gritty at all, which, in my non-southern humble little opinion, is the only way grits are tolerable.
The spicy greens, while not exactly aesthetically appealing, were divine, if you like that sort of thing.
Judge with your mouth — not with your eyes.
And the mac ‘n cheese. Oh, my. I could’ve had this as my meal.
But we were just getting started.
On the back of Dame’s menu are several suggested chicken ‘n waffle combinations, including the “Orange Speckled Chabo,” served with a fried chicken cutlet, sweet potato waffle, honey-dijon mustard, and orange-honeycomb schmear, or the “Buff Brahmas,” served with your choice of wings or cutlets drizzled with whiskey cream sauce, a classic waffle, and peach apricot schmear.
The Buff Brahmas.
The verdict?
My fried chicken was cooked perfectly — nice and moist inside. Unfortunately, it was a little soggy due to the whisky cream sauce, which, while mighty tasty, definitely took away from the texture of the chicken. But everyone else loved theirs.
Let me tell you about the waffles.
And the schmear.
What’s schmear? Well. According to me, they’re little flavored dollops of mouth exploding gastrogasms.
To Dame’s, they’re flavored dollops of whipped sweet cream butter.
I schmeared my peach apricot schmear all over my beautiful waffle (and I’m not normally a waffle person), topped that with some maple syrup, and died.
Then I came back to life to eat some more.
Then I died again.
It. Was. Incredible.
Justin order the “Orange Speckled Chabo,” and we both felt that the sweet potato waffles were inferior to my classic ones. Though his orange schmear was zesty and delicious.
But mine? That combination of peach apricot schmear, whiskey cream sauce, and maple syrup was phenomenal.
A plate full of artery-clogging, diabetes-triggering deliciousness.