Theme Parks Are The One-Night-Stands of Summer Activities.
They’re fun while you’re there, but in the morning all you’re left with is a sore neck and a missing wallet.
Ba-dum DUM! Read the rest of this gem…
They’re fun while you’re there, but in the morning all you’re left with is a sore neck and a missing wallet.
Ba-dum DUM! Read the rest of this gem…
Well, we’re home.
We’re home from our freeloading adventure in Orlando and in case you missed it, this is the part where you get extremely jealous Read the rest of this gem…
I’m not saying you have to be a morning person… Read the rest of this gem…
Me: It’s so nice not hearing her annoying voice telling me what to do, you know? Read the rest of this gem…
If you’ve been following along on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll know this post is likely late today because Justin and I took a little road trip last Saturday. Read the rest of this gem…
I don’t know if you know this about me, but I tend to be a sucker for roadside attractions. Read the rest of this gem…
I’m back in my home office this morning with that weird feeling that always comes after a whirlwind trip — Read the rest of this gem…
I only have one thing to say about the fact that my dad’s girlfriend, Mei, is Chinese: Read the rest of this gem…
I know I’ve been a little MIA this week, but here’s the deal.
How can I blog when I’m busy playing with LEGOS? Read the rest of this gem…
Keep in mind that Málaga is the only city I’ve visited on the Iberian Peninsula, so I have a limited frame of reference. Read the rest of this gem…