Guilty Pleasure
One of my all-time favorite foods is the avocado.
Case-in-point. Here’s the DELICIOUS avocado salad I ordered at a sushi restaurant in Frederick, MD a few weeks ago:

If I can eat – and love – a “salad” comprised almost entirely of avocado, you know I love ’em.
Of course, it didn’t hurt that it was followed by this:

(Sorry, took the sushi photo with my phone.)
And this:

But anyway. You wanna make me happy? Don’t bring me flowers. Don’t bring me jewelry. Bring me a couple of ripe avocados.
(Or a can of black olives.)
But today, I’m talkin’ about the avocado. A luscious, buttery, and green (happens to be my favorite color) fruit that tastes great plain, but even better when adorning a BLT, salmon, or whipped up into a dip for chips.
I make avocado dip all the time in the summer. It’s my favorite weekend snack, especially when the hubs is out of town. It’s not exactly a healthy treat, but a girl’s gotta have some guilty pleasures, right? Right?!
I’m sure you’re all familiar with guacamole, which is made from avocados mixed with various seasonings, tomatoes, and onion.
The dip I make is quite a bit simpler because it’s really just all about the garlic. And I usually have all of the ingredients on-hand (besides the avocados). I play with the proportions all the time – you’ll notice the amounts in my photos don’t exactly match the amounts below, but below tends to be the proportions I stick with the most and should give you a good base to adjust according to your tastes.
What you need:
- 3 ripe avocados
- 3 cloves garlic, minced (or more if you love garlic like me – less if you plan on making out with someone who didn’t eat this with you)
- 6 Tbsp. sour cream
- 1 1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice
- Salt
- Pepper
1. Start by dicing up your garlic. Mmmm…. garlic. They say garlic smell starts coming out of your pours when you eat it. I say, why is that a bad thing? There are worse things to smell like than garlic.

2. Then slice your avocados length-wise (you’ll have to circle around the seed), chop your knife into the seed, twist, then pop it out. Use a spoon to scoop the delicious avocado innards into a bowl.

3. Add the minced garlic to the bowl.

4. Then add the sour cream and lemon juice.

The lemon juice helps keep your avocado from turning brown.

5. Mix everything together with a fork. (You can also do this in a food processor if your avocados are still slightly hard, but usually mashing it up with a fork works pretty well.)

Okay I realize this doesn’t exactly look appetizing, but trust me. It’s yummy.
6. Season to taste with salt and pepper, dip in a chip, and enjoy!