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I Suck at Life. Sometimes.

Well, it’s official.

I only made it through one week of setting and completing goals for myself.  This past week, I failed miserably.

What can I say?  Sometimes I suck at life.

I’m not sure what happened – it’s like the past 7 days just disappeared entirely, and I have (almost) nothing to show for them.

If you recall, I had a whole laundry list of “small” items I needed to complete, including mailing out for a new social security card (not complete), book our favorite boarders for the mutts for our upcoming trip to Spain (not complete), call my counselor for a reminder of the name of the book I’m supposed to read by Thursday (don’t need to complete because I found the scrap of paper with the name of the book, but yeah… I haven’t bought it yet), find at least 2 healthy recipes (only found and made 1), and research at least 3 potential publications to which I could submit article pitches (COMPLETE).

So I’m 1 for 5.

Oh, and this pile still looks exactly like this:

1 for 6.

I rock.

So.  Needless to say, my goal for this week is to complete all of last week’s goals.

AND I need to finish at least one lesson per day of Spanish from Rosetta Stone, picking up where I left off before I went to Costa Rica.

The good news is that I’ve noticed a direct correlation between the weather and my ability to get things done.  When it’s beautiful and sunny and the birds are singing, good things happen.

And I’m pretty sure good things will be happening this week.

Because the thing is, sometimes Mondays are just a fresh start from the mess you made of the week before.

This is one of those Mondays.


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The really important career related one was checked off, so call it prioritization. If I was planning a trip to Spain, I’m pretty sure I’d get sucked into a vortex of internet shopping for bikinis, shoes, and clothes for the trip, only to look up approximately 12hrs later to find the face of a starving child begging for dinner.


Ha, I love the way you think!


Ha! I can relate. I was just thinking yesterday of all the things I’ve tried new, or tried to accomplish since starting the blog and many were near failures or things I have let fall by the way. Ah, well. Little steps, and a few backward ones once in awhile.


That’s true, and at least we learn from them, right?!


we all suck at life sometimes


Ain’t that the truth.

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