I’m a Closet Eater of Processed Meats.
Sometimes, you know, when I’m not buying my shrimp from a van or ordering hot dogs at upscale (at least for these parts) restaurants, I like to eat strange food.
And not strange in a “cool” way, but strange in a “but… why?” way.
For example.
I try to eat breakfast every day. But, since I’m not usually inclined to go all out cooking a big meal for myself, I tend to stick to a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats or a piece of toast with peanut butter and honey or peanut butter and jelly.
Basically, as long as we have the peanut butter, we’re good.
But every now and then I get the hankering for something a little… different. Something from my childhood. And I have to buy it. This is much to Justin’s chagrin, because that means he has to stare at it in the fridge for the next month.
Friends, meet Braunschweiger.

Braunschweiger. Or basically, liverwurst.
Don’t ask me to explain it, but I love it.
I mean… it’s spreadable meat that comes in a tube.

There’s just something about it… when it’s spread over a thin layer of butter on toasted wheat bread, and the butter oozes out from under the pasty meat… mmm.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, Katie, how can something that looks so bad, taste oh, so good?
What? You weren’t thinking that? It’s just me?

Oh well, your loss…
How about you? Are you a closeted eater of some food most other people would find disgusting?
Do share.
Who knows? I might just give it a whirl.
I LOVE LIverworst! But I have never gotten it out of the tube. I usually get it sliced at the deli, then put it on bread with mustard. Soooo good. It’s been a long time since I’ve had it….thanks for the reminder…something to add to my grocery list. :)
No problem! So glad to see I’m not alone. :) You know, I might have to make a “step up” to the deli stuff…
One of your better posts most recently. Braunschweiger is awesome and always a rainy day favorite.
Well, they can’t all be winners. ;) That said, I’m surprised you weren’t all over the post with the cow tongue, telling me to go back and buy it and how to cook it!
Wow, this was like a blast from the past for me. While I was never a huge fan, I remember eating this as a child with my grandfather. On white bread with mustard. I’m not sure, though, whether it was more that I didn’t like the idea of eating “liver” or the actual taste (I’m thinking the taste as I’m not a fan of pate as an adult).
You know, I’ve heard a lot of people eat it with mustard. I suppose I’m a braunschweiger purist, since I pretty much like it with plain ol’ butter. I’ve never tried pate, but that’s on my list!
What are the ingredients besides liver in this sausage? Just wonderin’…I bought a tube of Mexican chorizo the other day, which I’ve always loved since a child. After checking the first ingredients: salivary glands, lips, etc., I’m ashamed to say I threw the tube away. I had no idea. :-(
Mmm… I love chorizo, too. There was a dish we liked to eat in Costa Rica that was basically chorizo mashed with potatoes and it was so, so good. I’d hate to think what was in the chorizo in Bagaces, Costa Rica. ;)
That said, my tube of “authentic” Oscar Mayer braunschweiger contains:
“Pork livers, pork, salt, water, less than 2% corn syrup, dried onions, dextrose, flavor, sodium nitrite.”
Mmmm… nutrition in a tube!
I remember that stuff from my childhood! So good on a sandwich or crackers. I’m experiencing a horrible, saliva producing craving for it now. Thanks a lot.
Haha, sorry! Do they have it at the corner grocery store?? Otherwise you might have to make a special trip to Wegmans. ;)
I’m glad to see we’re not the only ones (since I introduced you to it) who love braunschweiger on buttered toast. but with mustard? Ewww! But what Ed finds most disgusting in our refrigerator is the pickled herring. On a Ritz cracker – it’s the best.
Even the wikipedia article says it’s commonly eaten with mustard! You know, Justin’s mom loves pickled herring. You never fed us that as kids, so I missed that boat…
Livermush is awesome! Some people call it liver pudding. Just slice it up and eat it raw on a sandwich (Heather loves to do) or fry it and throw it in a bowl of butter grits (my fav). You can find Neese’s near the sausage and probably liverwurst lol.
Livermush! You crack me up. Mmm… fried livermush…. minus the grits. I’m not a fan of grits. They’re too… gritty. :)
Vacation cancelled. ;)
Can’t condemn for quirky food though. I have my oddities here and there, I just can’t think of any right now.
There was a period when I was younger I would only eat green beans if they were covered in ketchup.
You can’t think of any oddities right now? Want me to think of them for you? ;)
And you better get your butt out here!
If this tastes like liver, I am there!
I’m not sure! I’ve never had any other form of liver (as far as I know), but I’d imagine this tastes like pork liver since that’s mainly what’s in it. :) You can get this kind in the lunch meat section of the grocery store – give it a try!
I don’t know how to write the sound that just came out of my mouth in pure disgust. Eww. In all honesty I have never eaten it – and something about the images assured me that I am totally fine with that. And the chorizo – I imagine it’s the made the same everywhere… LIPS! Buen apitite!
Haha it’s soooo good. You don’t know what you’re missing! And if lips were in the chorizo in CR, then consider me a fan. ;)
I could possibly do “lips”…but it definitely were the “salivary glands” that totally turned me off!
And I’ve also tried (and loved) escargot…I’ll usually try anything once! Your Braunschweiger may be worth a try…at least it doesn’t have any salivary glands in the ingredients.
Katie….your photographs make me want to vomit…lol
When I was in Arizona I had “Rocky Mountain Oysters” which are actually grilled Bull and/or Buffalo testicles. I was tricked into eating them…I was young and was led to believe it was just a fancy name for meatballs. But either way, they were quite good and I’d order them again if I went back. If you’re ever in Arizona, give them a shot! haha
Testicles, huh? I was always told you should play with them in your mouth and then spit them back out…
OKAY. Yep. That was too much. Even for me!
Sorry ’bout that.
here’s where we part ways.
up until now i was almost thinking we might be long lost… somethings. but now, after this display of utter ridiculousness i am concerned.
for your health – #1. (no wonder you have so many diseases, this stuff is killing you!)
for your fridge #2 (for having to house this crap for a month)
I just don’t know about you anymore.
But… but… it’s killing me softly with deliciousness!
Is that such a bad thing?
It’s okay. I don’t know about me either.
oh, and the BUTTER on there too.
Okay, you can judge me on the liverwurst. But butter? That’s practically a food group.
ummm i think i will pass on this particular food suggestion……..without hesitation…….. as I should have one when someone got me to try veggiemite …..shudders
Hahaha I haven’t tried veggiemite so I can’t compare. But braunschweiger is GOOD! ;)
Haha, eww. You are right that looks pretty gross. I’m a closet kielbasa eater. No one I know really likes kielbasa, but I love it with a side of mac and cheese. Weird childhood throwback, for sure!
Mmmm, what’s not to like about kielbasa? Delicious! I’ve never had it with mac and cheese, but sounds similar to hot dogs with mac and cheese, which I do enjoy.
[…] least picky eaters of all time. Pork belly? I’ll taste it. Vegan bean burger? Might be good. Braunschweiger? Why not? If there’s a significant cultural culinary reason to do so, we’ll try […]
Where can i find it in montana